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Cocoa And Chocolate Are Not Only The Exotic Foodstuffs

Essay Instructions:

A brief paper is required consisting of a total 2475 words on any topic of your choosing related to one of more of the lectures. This paper is expected to be a literature review with proper citations.
I have decided the topic of the paper will be on chocolate, it can be from all kinds of it, where it comes from, how it was discover, how its used, ship, cost, different kinds, history of it, how's it's cooked and so on. It does have to flow from page to page and a strong thesis and conclusion needs to be address. Any questions please let me know.

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Institutional Affiliation
Cocoa and chocolate are not only the exotic foodstuffs that make individuals upbeat; they have a rich history. Cocoa and chocolate were initially expended for therapeutic purposes. It was just later that they wound up plainly famous as foodstuffs because of their enchanting taste. There are couple of foodstuffs which have such a rich and fascinating history as cocoa and chocolate. Much the same as espresso, we acquired the cocoa bean from the baffling pre-Columbian societies in Latin America CITATION McN062 \l 1033 (McNeil, 2006). At the point when Cortés initially transported in cocoa to Europe, and when he figured out how to make a chocolate drink with it, it created very some excitement: heavenly to a few; sinful to others. Indeed, even today, cocoa chocolate still ooze an emanation of secret, extravagance and delight.
Origin of Chocolate
Chocolate is produced using the cacao beans cases which originate from the obroma cacao trees. These trees are native to South America and they were initially developed within broad plantations which were located next to the shores of the Pacific and the Gulf-which are located in a focal point in America CITATION McN062 \l 1033 (McNeil, 2006). More specifically, the trees were abundant in the areas such as Xoconuso and the Sarstoon valleys. It is in these areas that conducive atmosphere (warm and moist atmosphere) was present for the development of the trees. There are four assortments of the cacao beans, the Aztecs were conversant with all of them. Another word they used to refer to the beans was cacahuatl. They eventually defiled this word and later came up with the word xocolatl and it is assumed that this word is the origin of the word “chocolate”. CITATION McN062 \l 1033 (McNeil, 2006).
Chocolate was such a major item within the Aztec culture that it became a form of currency which was regularly requested as a tribute from other tribes CITATION Gri111 \l 1033 (Grivetti, 2011). For example, an individual could use cacao beans to buy other items. In the Aztec markets, it was found out that one cacao bean could purchase one tomato, thirty beans could get a rabbit and two hundred beans was worth a turkey.
It was an expensive import at the time, Privileged people in the society were the ones who mostly acquired chocolate to mainly use them as after supper delicacies CITATION Gri111 \l 1033 (Grivetti, 2011). They used to do this along with smoking tobacco. Even though it was mainly acquired by the privileged people in the society, people from the poorer classes enjoyed it too in the midst of special occasions. It was blended with maize gruel in occasions such as weddings. However, some researchers have illustrated that the unadulterated drink made from chocolate was an elite materialistic trifle enjoyed by the honorability. Inquisitively, provision of it may have been made to favored conciliatory casualties in the form of a final pleasure moments before dying, for instance, during the yearly celebration in Aztec culture known as Panquetzaliztli, people were known to show their appreciation for Huitzilopochtli CITATION Dil00 \l 1033 (Dillinger, 2000).
The preparation of chocolate took three major procedures in the Aztec community. They were first matured, then cured, then simmered CITATION Gri111 \l 1033 (Grivetti, 2011). The beans were first ground into a fine powder then mixed with hot water. Chocolate was usually taken as a warm foamy drink CITATION McN061 \l 1033 (Henderson, 2007). The foam was made by whisking the fluid thoroughly by use of a wooden rod. It was then poured into several vessels consequently. In fact, this foam was considered to be the best part of the warm drink. The drink could be made tastier by adding certain additives such as maize, blossoms, herbs, pepper, nectar and even tree sap. Apart from the taste, the goodness of chocolate was also measured by the content of caffeine it had through the extent of stimulation that it gave CITATION McN061 \l 1033 (Henderson, 2007).
Types of Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
This is the most used form of chocolate in the business industry. The process of manufacturing it includes the use of milk, common milk powder, a customized mix of cocoa solids, and margarine from cocoa, sugar and vanilla seasoning. Initially, milk chocolate was consumed as a refreshment drink before it started being taken in its solid form. This was mainly inspired by the use of dense milk and milk powder. The condensation of the denser form of milk resulted in the conceptualization of chocolate bars which were found to last longer than liquid milk chocolate CITATION Gám12 \l 1033 (Gámbaro, 2012).
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is distinguished all things considered in light of the fact that it has lesser amount of milk than other forms of chocolate. Some dark chocolate contains no milk at all. Dark chocolate results from the blending of fat, cocoa solids and sugar. For the most part, chocolate with a cocoa strong segment of at least 35% is regarded as dark chocolate, however, any rate higher than that would make the chocolate be ordered in an unexpected way. As a result of the absence of milk, dark chocolate shows up far browner in shading, and is now and again alluded to as dark chocolate. Assortments of dark chocolate are broadly used when cooking, in light of the fact that those formulas regularly incorporate the sugar in their recipe. Dark chocolate can be got in a wide range of cocoa varieties. It is usually got in the market containing cocoa contents of up to 90%. It is less sweet than other forms of chocolate such as milk and white chocolate. Dark chocolate has also been found to have a more intense taste due to the fact that it has a high cocoa content CITATION Gám12 \l 1033 (Gámbaro, 2012).
White Chocolate
This is an assortment of sweet chocolate. White chocolate is one of a kind since it is not made utilizing any cocoa solids, and is in this way delegated a chocolate subsidiary as opposed to a type of chocolate of the conventional kind. This form of chocolate is a blend of milk, sugar and cocoa margarine. Due to the absence of cocoa solids, it can be seen that the higher portion of milk in the mixture gives this type of chocolate an ivory or near yellow color as opposed to the dark shading seen in other forms of chocolate. Consequently, white chocolate is far more stable at higher temperatures than milk and dark chocolate, in light of the fact that the dissolving purpose of cocoa spread, its fundamental fixing, is high. White chocolate needs a large number of the cancer prevention agent properties found in customary chocolate, since it does not have the cocoa strong fixings CITATION Gám12 \l 1033 (Gámbaro, 2012).
Semisweet Chocolate
This is actually a form of dark chocolate. It contains half as much sugar as it does contain cocoa solids. If the amount of sugar is greater than the amount of cocoa solids, then the resultant chocolate will be referred to as sweetened chocolate. Semisweet chocolate should contain up to 33% of chocolate, alcohol in the final composition. This form of chocolate is also widely used in cooking. They are also sold in bigger amounts than other types of chocolate CITATION Gám12 \l 1033 (Gámbaro...
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