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Psychosocial Development

Essay Instructions:
Module 6 Psychosocial development has to do with development of the personality and of social skills and attitudes. This realm of development lasts from infancy through adulthood. Psychologist Erik Erikson analyzed these stages in his psychosocial development theory and maintained that psychosocial development occurs in eight stages throughout life. At each stage, the human confronts and masters various challenges. The stages represented in Erikson's theory are as follows: trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus role confusion, intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation and integrity versus despair. Select any ONE of Erickson's stages of development and discuss whether peers are important for social development? Compare and contrast the effects of parent-child interactions and peer interactions. Due Date: March 8 You may want an introducton that briefly states the stage you are addressing and 1-2 characteristics of the stage that focuses on the development of pro-social skills and one's personality. Also in this paragraph, it would be appropriate to include a statement or two on the critical role of peers in one's personality and psycho social development. The body of the paper could briefly address the need for sound psycho social skills in developing into a mature well adjusted adult and/ or in managing relationships and daily stressful events that one encounters. How do peers help in the development of social skills and personality? Are peers important in developing who you become? For the most part, people are different when hanging out with their peers than with their parents. Are peers equally or more importat than parents? How are the roles of peers and parents similar/different in contributing to one's social development. Review all your papers so that you are not making the same paging, APA, formattin mistakes. You have until Sunday evening to submit this assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human beings undergo a number of development stages and at each stage; they depict and develop certain behaviors. Although there exists individual differences, there is the generalized trend whereby, certain behaviour is dominant. At every stage of psychosocial development, the human beings cope with encounters that play as a focal point in their development process. When these developmental challenges are dealt with amicably, the individual is able to cope with the psychosocial characteristic related to that particular phase of development. Human beings encounter these steps of 'psychosocial crisis in almost fixed cycle, but timings differ depending on the people and circumstances. The discussion shall focus on the identity versus confusion phase (Erikson 1968).
The identity versus confusion is the fifth stage in the theory of psychosocial development as put forward by Erik Erikson. This step of life happens to adolescents of between twelve to eighteen years. It is at this stage that teens require developing a sense of self identity. At this stage, most adolescents delve into their independence and create the sense of self identity. As they transit from childhood to adolescent, they may have mixed feelings like being insecure of themselves and how well they fit in the society. As they unravel their sense of self identity, the teens may carry out experiment with separate tasks, activities and behaviors. (Erikson, 1963)
According to Erikson, this is an essential stage of developing a powerful identity and establishing a sense of bearing in life. Individuals who attain proper encouragement and fortification through personal discovery are likely to have high levels of identity, confidence and character. The individuals who remain doubtful of their world views and desires will always be insecure and battle with themselves and their life thereafter. (Gross, 1987). According to Sigmund Freud, a psychologist, the same stage is termed as the Genital stage. It is at this stage that boys and girls face hormonal and physical changes that invoke sexual emotions and desire. At this stage, dating and fondling is very common (Ricoeur, (1970). Erikson posits that during effective initial adolescence stage, the adolescent develops confidence whereby the teenager attains self-certainty in contrast to self-doubt. This is because they research with different roles rather than picking up on a “negative identity”. He states that the individual expects great achievement, thereby achieving instead of being paralysis by attitude of inferiority. In subsequent adolescence, clarity of sexual identity is recognized. (Stevens 1983). The teenager looks for someone else's inspiration, and slowly formulates morality. Erik...
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