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Philosophy Paper: Experiential Basis Of Causation

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the following two topics:

1. How does Hume argue that causation cannot be observed through the senses? Do you agree with his claim? Why or why not? Assuming that our concept of causation cannot be derived directly from sense experience, what kind of experience does it come from, according to Hume? Here you will need to bring in Hume’s idea of “constant conjunction.” As always, it is critical that you explain the argument in your own words, with your own examples. Also, be sure to cite and explain a few quotes from the Hume reading.

2. Both the regularity and counterfactual theories of causation face various problem cases, as described in PowerPoint lect. 12 (attached). These are scenarios where either (1) there seems to be causal relation between events, but the theory entails there is not (see slide 33); or (2) there does not seem to be a causal relation between events, but the theory entails there is (see slides 21, 22, 26, 28-32). First, explain both the regularity theory and counterfactual theory, using your own examples to illustrate how they work. Next, present your own versions of the problem cases: same type of scenario, with different details. Describe two or three problem cases for each theory. Be sure to indicate why they pose trouble.

Be sure to explain things in your own words, and use your own examples, where appropriate.

Remember to provide citations for any quotes from the readings, lectures, or any outside sources (including Internet sources). I would recommend, however, that you restrict your sources to the readings and lecture material. Also, I would prefer to see quotes from the readings as opposed to the slides.

The paper should be at least two and a half pages (no more than four), double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, standard margins.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Concept of Causation
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The Concept of Causation
As people throw out each day awake, they do so with inquisitive mind ever grappling with questions whose answers they may never find anywhere in the face of the earth. The reason they fail to do so is because these are philosophical questions whose answers may only be unraveled upon completion of a dedicated philosophical interrogation. Philosophy questions everything and that is why the subject of causation still remains emotive issue. David Hume’s conception of causation particularly the aspect of constant conjunction sound is viable as it shades more light on the subject. His argument that the source of our idea of causation must come from an experience of relation between things is very persuasive if not authoritative. Therefore this research paper will discuss Hume’s idea of constant conjunction that causation cannot be observed through the senses. It also seeks to unravel the kind of experience from which the concept of causation can be derived assuming it cannot be derived directly from sense experience.
Experience as the Source of Causation
We all know the sound of a drum. Don’t we? But do we really have an idea about the source of the sound that it produces and how it comes about? Do we know the agent behind that beautiful sound? Do we even have an idea of the relation between the agent of the sound and the sound itself? These are some of the philosophical questions similar to those that Philosopher David Hume seeks to answer using his concept of constant conjunction. Hume argues that the idea that one conceives of a given event are copies of what they have experienced before either through seeing, touching or thoughts and feeling (Hume, 1748). Using the example of the drum, we can conclude that Hume is saying that we know that sound of the drum is effect immediately preceded by some exerted power that causes it to produce the sound. Therefore, our idea of the beautiful sound of a drum, what causes it and the knowledge or idea that the drum will produce a sound when it is beaten is based on our past experience through visual sensation.
Unpacking Hume’s idea of Constant Conjunction
Hume’s idea of constant conjunction to the effect that causation cannot be observed through senses is somehow contradictory taking into account his argument that conception of idea or events are sensational copies or copies of introspective experience. Hume seems to cure this contra...
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