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Socrates and his method and his thought

Essay Instructions:
PN: This is a personal essay not a research paper. It is very important to simple language not big words. It is an 100L Philosophy class, so there is no need for to much indept explanation. It should not exceed 3pages and there is no need to reference website pls just strictly the text we are using.I have attached the chapter he wants us to write about. I will attache a copy of the first paper I worte that was rejected along with the Professors comment so has to save as a guide.
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Running head: PERSONAL ESSAY
Socrates and his method and his thought
Socrates and his method and his thought
The Socratic methods and thoughts are among the fundamental driving force for understanding and acquiring knowledge. Socrates was acknowledged for his engagement in conversations in public and private places. The concept of the Socratic methods and thoughts in his conversation where all centered in defining friendship, justice, courage and virtues. In the conversation, Socrates assumed the role of a student and allowed the people he was questioning to be the teacher. He however, reflected the prior knowledge of the subjects of discussion in the conversation and therefore he was more concern in having his methods understood and appreciated. This paper seeks to explain what the author has learned from the introduction to Socrates and his method and his thought.
The author of this paper acknowledges and appreciates the concept in the Socrates method of inquiry and debate which is involved between two individuals with different view points. In this concept, Socrates underscores the importance of asking and answering questions as a way of provoking critical thinking and highlighting the ideas in order to ensure that the conversation is effective. For instance, asking and answering questions in the author’s opinion promotes mutual openness between the participants and hence creating a good environment for learning and understanding. As a consequence, the participant’s altitude and behavioral patterns will reflect a sense of honesty and lack of pretence. The conversation as well as the learning process is therefore marked with nonmanipulative intentions and with a sense of respect and responsibility for individuals to the other. The results are that the individuals will learn every thing possible and in the best way possible.
The Socrates methods underscored the importance of oppositional discussion in which one participant in a discussion can capitalize on the weakness of the opponent’s questions to contradict him while at the same time seeking more elaboration of the question. The author of this paper agrees with this approach to discussion and conversation because it reflects the benefit of mutual confirmation in a dialogue and governance. The participants in the conversation and learning process are fully involved and aware of each other. As a result, the participants do not participate as lookers or observers in the discussion or just adhere to directives without understanding the consequences of the intended course of action. The author appreciates that individual differences do exist and therefore attaining consensus on certain issues is difficulty. However, a two way conversation as proposed by Socrates can lead to confirmation and affirmation of each individual ideas and hence awareness and respect for each other’s identity.
The Socrates methods seek for general and common truths which are essential in shaping opinions. The method also focuses on scrutinizing how individual’s ideas are consistent with the other beliefs. It involved a number of questions which will enable the society to define some of the things which...
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