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Newton's Law

Essay Instructions:

Please read the discussion below and tell what you like about it, what you agreed with. Please be polite if you do not agree of like something. Please make sure you understand the physics involved. Discussion: When the topic of safety in an automobile is brought up, your mind immediately jumps to "air bags" or "seat belts". Little do some people realize how vital a head rest in a car is to one's life. They prevent injuries, commonly described as "whiplash", and this whiplash is caused by physics. The way this relates to Newton's laws is actually quite obvious once you think about it. Newton's Law of Inertia (Newton's first law) states that objects tend to remain traveling at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an outside force. A simple analogy to this statement would be a car traveling at 40mp/h, colliding into a tree - causing the car to come to a complete stop. Without this tree coming into the path of the car, the car would have continued to move. When your body is inside of a car - your velocity equals the velocity of the car. When the car suddenly stops - your body does not. That being said, a person's head will travel at the same speed of the car. If another car were to hit from behind, your head would thrust forward, then backward - being caught by the head rest. Without the headrest, your head would not be caught while flying backward. Newton's first law stated that a body at rest would stay at rest, and since this foreign force just hit the back of the car - that is how it relates to Newton's laws. References: http://csep10(dot)phys(dot)utk(dot)edu/astr161/lect/history/newton3laws.html

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Newton's Law
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Newton's Law
The educative article discusses some important laws of physics and how they affect people daily. Little is acknowledged about the work of the head rest. Personally, I thought that the name suggested its purpose. The law of Inertia clearly states that a body will always maintain its motion unless a force that opposing the motion acts on the body.
A car moving at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour will come, to a stop after colliding with a tree. The driver and passengers will continue moving at 40 miles per hour and they will be stopped by the safety belt and the air bags, equal force opposing the speed of the passengers. The occupants of the car will then jerk backwards due to the safety belts at a lower speed due to ...
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