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Essay Instructions:
Module 3 - Case STRESS AND THE IMMUNE RESPONSE Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can be downloaded free from the Internet. STOP!!! BE SURE YOU HAVE READ THE CONTENT ON THE HOME PAGE AND ALL LINKS THERE! You will need this information to continue with this assignment. Case Assignment Now that you know about the immune response, return to the article The Physiology of Stress: Cortisol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science and read the section related to the immune system in closer detail. Using this as a starting point, complete the requirements below using paragraph format to address each topic: Paragraph 1: Introduction Note that the inflammatory response and the complement system are mentioned in the article. Now learn more about the inflammatory response and the inflammatory mediators. You will find information on the complement system as well. Do a little research on these components and provide a paragraph explaining the normal function and steps associated with signaling these components. Identify where in this cascade of signaling events that cortisol is thought to interfere. Paragraph 2: PTSD and the Complement System Now compare the theory mentioned in the Dartmouth article to the findings in this study on PTSD and the complement system. Focus on the Abstract and Discussion sections of this study on PTSD. Address the following questions: What did they find in common among PTSD patients? How does alteration of the complement affect the inflammatory response? Paragraph 3: Inflammatory Response and the Brain Finally, read The Consequences of the Inflamed Brain and draw connections between the inflammatory response and brain function and behavior. How are the CNS and the immune system interconnected? How does the inflammatory response affect mood and behavior? Which component of the nervous system reacts to an infection? What are the implications for mood and behavior if the inflammatory response is prolonged? What types of things might cause the inflammatory response to become prolonged or exaggerated? Paragraph 4: Conclusions To complete this assignment, “connect the dots” between the influence of stress on the immune system, the potential effects that PTSD can have on the inflammatory response (remember this occurs after an extremely stressful event and is related to dysregulation of cortisol), and the perpetuation of depression and other symptoms of PTSD. Assignment Expectations You are provided with many scholarly references to complete this assignment. Include a References section that lists these and any additional sources you used (refer to the Background page). For any additional research you are required to do to complete your assignment, please use scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read through your sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. For this Case Assignment, answer all questions using full sentences and use the headings provided above to organize your paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
MODULE 3 - Case Stress and the Immune Response Name Institution of affiliation Date MODULE 3 - Case Stress and the Immune Response The body's immune system is uniquely designed to defend the body from attack by bacteria, viruses, and substances. The immune system does this by recognizing the antigens that are present on the surfaces of the bacteria and viruses. However, the body's cells also have antigens referred to as HLA antigens. The immune system learns how to differentiate the different antigens thus it does not end up attacking its own body's cells. The Immune system is made up of different components namely; innate immunity, passive immunity, acquired immunity and blood components such as the white blood cells. The immune response to an attack by foreign bodies causes the inflammatory response. The inflammatory response occurs when the body's organ or tissues are subjected to attack. The cells that are damaged by the attack from toxins, heat and direct trauma release chemicals that enable the body to respond. These chemicals are; histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins CITATION Zaa12 \l 1033 (Kokaia, 2012). These chemicals cause blood vessels in the area surrounding the attack to allow fluid to permeate to the tissues surrounding the region. This causes the area to inflame and swell. The swelling creates a buffer zone between the foreign body and the rest of the body's tissues. The chemicals; histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins force white blood cells to the region that fight the foreign substance CITATION RBr04 \l 1033 (Rock, 2004). The Immune system contains the complement system within it. The complement system enhances the immune system's capabilities for defending the body. The basic functions of the system are; Opsonization, Chemotaxis, Cell Lysisand Agglutination. It is within the innate immune system. It consists of three biochemical pathways. These are; lectin pathway, the alternative complement pathway, and the classical complement pathway CITATION Boy13 \l 1033 (Boyajyan, 2013). Cortisol inhibits the immune system by suppressing the production of histamine which is an inflammatory mediator. It also blocks T-lymphocyte cells from recognizing interleukin signals. Thus they are unable to respond. PTSD and the Complement System PTSD patients had varying levels of cortisol in their system relative to the median. This affects the HPA axis resulting in suppression of the immune system and particularly the inflammatory response CITATION Lil10 \l 1033 (Hovhannisyan, 2010). PTSD affects the molecular mechanisms that catalyze the inflammatory response. It does this by affecting the complement system in a number of key ways. The neuroendocrine mechanisms emanating from PTSD patients influence the immune system such that the initial release of inflammatory mediators is suppressed. PTSD affects the alternate pathway in the inflammatory response resulting in it being abnormally inactive. This is due to the over use of the thioester bond of native C3 in the t...
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