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Just War Theory and Political Realism: A Comparative Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for Assignments:

The suggested length is 1200-1800 words. You may exceed that range by 25% without penalty. Additional research beyond course readings and materials is not required, although you may find it helpful for some questions. You are expected to reference quotations from course materials. I'm not picky about citation format as long as it's consistent and easy for me to locate and check your references.

Answer ONE of the following questions:

Do you prefer Just War theory, Political Realism, or some combination of the two? Potential sources include Orend and Walzer for Just War theory, and Hobbes, Morgenthau, and Korab-Karpowicz for Political Realism. (Unit 1-2; Unit 3, sec.1-2)

Should we take a Consequentialist or Contractarian approach to international conflict like many Political Realists? Or hold with the Just War theorists that there are Deontological constrains governing warfare? (Unit 1, sec.6-7; Unit 2, sec.1-4, 9-10)

Do you agree with Walzer's doctrine of the Moral Equality of Soldiers? Are judgments of whether a war is fought justly in terms in jus in bello independent from whether the war has just cause in terms of jus ad bellum? Should we blame soldiers who fight for unjust causes? How does this relate to the debate between Individualist and Collectivist accounts of war? (Unit 3, sec.1-2; Unit 4, sec.7-9)

What is the most dangerous cause of war: Fear, Gain, Honour, or Ideology? You may rank them, arguing why some are more important. Or argue that some are more relevant to particular historical contexts or types of conflict. You are encouraged to discuss other causes of war that you see as important. Note that Brodie's "Some Theories on the Causes of War" is available through course reserves. (Unit 3, sec.5-7)

Was the Area Bombing of Hamburg justified in the context of 1943? What do you take to be the strongest arguments for and against? If you write on this topic, I suggest you skip ahead and read Unit 7, sec.1-2, featuring Walzer's discussion of Supreme Emergency and the decision to bomb German cities. (Unit 3, sec.8-9)

Defend your own view of the Right to Self-Defence and the Duty of Other Defence, drawing on theories and hypothetical cases presented, as well as your own thinking. (Unit 4, sec.2-4; Frowe, ch.1)

Argue a thesis based on the Songs About War. This could involve relating the lyrics of several songs to theories about the morality of war, comparing or criticizing ideas in the songs, showing how different themes reflect different historical eras, or researching additional songs. (Unit 1, sec.1)

Write on a topic of your own choosing. Your essay must engage with course material, and it should develop and defend a position or critically assess the views of authors on a debatable issue. You are welcome to discuss your topic with me. (Units 1-4)

General Advice on Writing Philosophy Essays:

I'm looking for knowledge of the relevant course material, understanding and evaluation of the arguments involved, and some original and coherent thinking. Style is relevant. This involves such things as clarity, organization, grammar, and spelling.

The essay is a defence of your own position regarding a question of ethical significance. To give your position a worthy defence, imagine that your reader is skeptical about your conclusion but sympathetic to well formulated arguments. When arguing against a position, imagine how your opponent would reply.

Strong argumentation and originality of thought are highly valued in philosophy papers. This could involve subtle and detailed analysis of an issue, concept, or author, and it could involve comparing or connecting different ideas in order to develop your own view. Accuracy in your treatment of texts is also important. As a reader, I want you to give me the most for the least - that is, to make lots of points, defend them adequately, back them up with appropriate attention to course material, and to do this without padding or repetition.

Marks will be deducted for poor writing (paragraph organization, grammar and diction), so proofread carefully. I also come down hard on papers that clearly misread an author, that are self-contradictory, or that say little in a vague way.

All ideas taken from someone else should be referenced in MLA or APA format, even if they are not direct quotations. Page references should be given for all direct quotations from a printed source.


You might need my lecture slide for this essay, but I can not download it, so I will give you my university account so you can login and check, each question is followed by which unit or section

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Just War Theory and Political Realism: A Comparative Analysis
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Just War Theory and Political Realism: A Comparative Analysis
Just War Theory is one of the oldest theories related to war ethics and justification; most scholars give Aristotle the credit of introducing the concept of "just war" as a counterargument to the notion of "holy war" supported by theologians (Orend, 2013). The central premise of this theory involves justification of war to defend oneself against aggression, and this proposition is based on the principle of "natural law" that maintains peace and stability in human societies. Even pacifists like Cicero support the notion of "right intention" to allow war as Augustine himself declared that killing in war is not evil but the lust for violence (Anonymous, n.d.1.3). Conversely, the Theory of Political Realism entails that national interest directs the relationship between two countries, and these relationships are based on the power balance. This theory propagates a realistic approach disregarding moral principles to shape power balance between nations. These basic premises of the two theories provide strong philosophical reasoning to justify the Just War Theory, and the following paragraphs substantiate this fact.
Just War Theory is a theory that provides solid philosophical and rational arguments to justify war against other nations. One of the fundamental tenets of this theory is "Jus ad Bellum," which means justification for waging war through moral, ethical, and political grounds. Similarly, the principle of "Jus in Bello" restricts the use of weapons of mass destruction and the distinction between soldiers and civilians during the war. Moreover, the principle of "Jus Post Bellum" bounds the warring nation to engage in post-war developmental work in the defeated country and respect human rights (Anonymous, n.d.1.3). These fundamental principles of the Just War Theory manifest its rationality and logicality as abiding by these principles; one nation can ensure the supremacy of universal morality in the defeated country. Furthermore, these principles bound the warning nations to maintain justice and morality throughout and even after the war.
Throughout history, philosophers and thinkers have provided valid grounds for the support of war; for instance, Aristotle came up with a notion that war should be allowed if it aimed to provide peace and social benefits to all people; in other words, he established strong moral reasoning as the fundamental requirement for the war. Similarly, St. Augustine provided strong reasoning for war by integrating the concept of "right intention" in the war (Anonymous, n.d.1.3). For him, war is not an inherently evil thing, so under certain circumstances, war is permitted, given that it is based on a morally sound doctrine and reasoning. Furthermore, his philosophical propositions clarify that it is not the act of war but the evil tendency to kill and commit violence that makes war an abominable venture. St. Thomas Aquinas further extended this proposition by including the doctrine that even killing civilians is justifiable if they are not targeted directly. Additionally, another philosopher, Francisco de Vitoria, though he was against the war, justified the Spanish invasion of Aztec since it was governed by the moral percept of saving natives from undue oppression and injustice (Anonymous, n.d.1.3).
John Lock, a renowned political theorist, also introduced the justification of enslaved people or subjugated people's right to fight against the oppressive and tyrant ruler into the Just War Theory. The proposition of Michael Walzer is even more unusual as, according to him, under the condition of "supreme emergency," a nation should even be allowed to use any means necessary to protect its freedom and avoid cruel and oppressive subjugation by an aggressor (Anonymous, n.d, 1.3). All these philosophical propositions provide a solid backing to the Just War Theory as they provide a detailed justification of war based on a more robust and absolute moral principle. These philosophers provide valid reasoning for the necessity of war. Sometimes, moral values and humanitarian considerations overcome the utilitarian and self-centered approach, which necessitates war to restore the moral order.
Throughout history, religious doctrine always war based on moral principles; for instance, not only in the West, as discussed above, ancient Chinese philosophers supported the Just War Theory using different philosophical propositions. The most evident supporter of this theory was Confucianism, whose teachings about war significantly canonize war for upholding a moral principle. Likewise, in Christianity, crusades or holy wars carried out between the 11th to 17th centuries were based on the principles of morality that aimed to protect Christianity from heathenism. On a similar note, the concept of "Jihad" in Islam is based on the principle of upholding monotheism and removing heresy and polytheism as divine duty (Anonymous, n.d., 1.5). The outcomes of religious crusades and jihad conducted throughout modern history indicate t...
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