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Household Waste Audit

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 Assignments 1&2 Combined: Household Audit and Self Reflection

Learning Outcomes:

In this learning activity you will:

1. Increase your awareness of the types and amounts of waste you generate.

2. Collect data, make observations and report your findings

3. Compare individual/household waste generation by category with U.S. averages.

4. Reflect and articulate on household level behaviors and norms that influence waste generation at the individual/household level.


Step 1. Select a 48 hour period this week to collect, monitor, and inventory your own household waste. As you will need to assess, weigh and report on your waste before the Sunday due date, it is best to select 2 days between Tuesday - Friday so that you have ample time to collect, weigh, photograph, sort and report on your household waste and be ready to report your findings and write a self reflection ahead of the deadline.

Things You Must Aquire In Order to complete this Assignment:

1. A way to collect and sort all of your waste (everything you would normally toss in a bin as rubbish, recycling or composting) for a minimum of 48 hours - this include an entire 48 hour period so you may have to find a way to save your waste while at work and at home. This requires advanced planning on your side and conducting your audit will depend on where you work and live as well as your household size.

2. A scale to weigh your waste, or a standard can of food to estimate the weight of your waste - a standard 15oz. can of food weighs just over 1 pound (15oz of food plus the weight of the can = 17.75oz or ~1 pound so you can use this to "estimate" the weight if you do not have a scale).

3. A smartphone or other device to photograph your waste categories (e.g. a closed bag of 2 days worth of rubbish and a bin of recyclables) to demonstrate the relative relationship between the amount of each category collected.

Step 2. Read through the sample audits from previous terms and note how you might report on your own waste for your own household waste audit. These samples are provided solely to help you organize your own findings after 48 hours of collection; your report should be unique, well organized, include images where possible, and be comprehensive in terms of assessing your household waste. You will also need to include a list of questions that came about during the collection period, and changes you'd like to make in your household to minimize waste.

Note: Photos help tell the story of waste/waste disposal in your household e.g. as side by side comparisons of waste versus recycling versus what you may be able to compost. The images you include in your audit depend entirely on the way your individual household operates and the degree to which you already separate your rubbish - if you don't currently separate rubbish in to categories of waste, recyclables and composting due to where you live that would be great to include as part of your reflection in your audit. The idea here is to include images where helpful, and in some cases you may have to get creative in assessing your waste "footprint" and explain your situation in writing especially if taking photos with your phone does not work well for you/your household situation. Every household manages waste and disposes of waste differently and the main take away is to understand your degree of waste generation and you own consumptive habits, choices and decisions based on your unique living situation.

Step 3. Review these Household Audit Samples and Rubric Household Waste Audit | Student Sample A

Step 4. Review general information about composting and recycling materials so that you are familiar with general sorting practices and are ready to discuss your waste by type and category. You must also review the local guidelines for recycling and composting as this varies depending on where you live.

Step 5. Locate a kitchen or bath scale to weigh your waste. If you do not have a scale at home, you can estimate the weight using a regular can of food to compare to the weight of your waste collected. A standard can of food weights approximately 1 pound 2 ounces. Use this standard to compare the weight of your waste by hand - for example if your waste weighs about the same as 2 cans of food - you can estimate that the waste generated is approximately 2 pounds 4oz.

Step 6. Read this time saving tip sheet!

You must create your own word document for this activity. The document must include: a standard title, an introduction section, and the prescribed sections and section headers as noted in the PDF we have provided to you in the next step.

Step 7. Download and Complete: Mod 2Asstsland2 | Household Waste Audit

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mod2Asst 1 | Household Waste Audit Wildcat_Audit
48-Hour Household Waste Audit
Observation Site and Data Collection
For this audit, I conducted a waste collection and audit in a suburban neighborhood near the University, where I live alone. The household is occupied by a single college student who stays primarily outside of his household. The audit period started from 12 noon on April 1, 2022, up until 12 noon on April 3, 2022. As can be seen from the pictures below (pictures 1-3), the wastes were segregated between recyclable, compostable, and trash. After the collection period, the total amount of waste amounted to 6.3 lbs (100.8 oz) of waste for the period, based on an estimate of all categories of waste collected. For this household, the collection is done weekly, every Friday morning at 6:00 am. Wastes would have to be segregated before being loaded into the garbage collection bin.
Table 1: Summary of Waste by Category and Percent of Total Waste

Weight (oz)


% of Total Waste


~25.3 oz

Packaging materials, plastic bottles, paper bags, cardboard,
miscellaneous paper items, plastic and eco-bags



~32.725 oz

Eggshells, vegetable peelings, left-over food, wet-tissue papers, cork, biodegradable wrappers, and fruit


Other (Trash)

~42.75 oz

Paper and plastic items and tissues with food residue, fast food container, food
packaging, unclean styrofoam.



~100.8 oz


Picture 1: Gathered

Picture 2: Gathered

Picture 3: Gathered Trash

Analysis of Total Household Waste
After the 48 hour collection period, the total amount of waste collected (all categories) amounted to 100.8 oz (or 6.3 lbs). This means that the average amount of waste collected per day is 50.4 oz. This amount also represents my personal waste since I only live by myself in a single-bedroom apartment.
However, it must be considered that the collection period happened from Friday noon to Sunday, when I spend most of my time at home, compared to regular weekdays. Thus, it is possible that my household waste production would be lower if it was done during the weekdays when I had to stay at work and go to the library to study. Accordingly, in a 2018 report made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they noted that the average amount of waste that an American individual produces per day is equal to 4.9 lbs (or 78.4 oz) per day. Compared to my household waste of 50.4 lbs daily, I realized that this is comparatively lower than the average (EPA.Gov, 2021).
Accordingly, my annual waste footprint equals 1,149.75 lbs (or 18,396 oz). This was taken using the following formula:
Annual Waste Footprint = Daily Household Footprint x 365 days.
Waste by Type Analysis
After conducting the waste collection, here is a breakdown of the different wastes by type.

Weight (oz)



Packaging Materials, paper bags, cardboard, etc.



Plastic Bottles & Other Recyclable plastics







Eggshells & Other hard materials



Fruit &a...
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