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Personal Health - Related Fitness Goal And Targets

Essay Instructions:

you will be required to create a personal health-related fitness goal for yourself. And you will hand in a short (1-2 pages) paper discussing how you worked towards your goal and completed outside lab activities in order to achieve your goal. How did you apply what you learned in your workouts within and outside of class and what were the outcomes? How will you continue to apply this knowledge in the future?

you are to complete one hour of physical activity outside of class and keep a log of it. simple Excel table with the date and activity completed will suffice.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Health-related Fitness Goal
Personal Health-related Fitness Goal
Training is a program of exercise designed to help one achieve their fitness goals or targets. There are various guiding principles that I have learned to help me in developing an effective health fitness training program. Any type of training undertaken should be directed specifically at improving my abilities in life and each form of training has a different effect on the body. For example, weight lifting improves arm strength and does not affect any other part of the body. In order to improve my running speed, I realized it is necessary to incorporate endurance exercise in my training. All of these specific training activities should be regularly undertaken over a period of time for the body to gradually adapt to the increasing demand in frequency, intensity, and duration. Loading the body above its normal resting level improves its physical fitness, especially when carried out frequently. But there should be at least three balanced workouts in a week in order to maintain a good level of fitness.
I learned that continuous improvement is only achieved when one gradually increases the frequency and intensity of an activity over a period of time. Although the level of improvements in physical fitness are highly noticeable at the beginning of a training program, the rate of improvement slows down and level off as training continuous. At this level, one is already adapted to the physical exercise. It is, however, advisable for one to change the type of exercise when a high level physical fitness is achieved. These are some of the key points I learned in my class and workouts. They have helped me gain muscular strength and endurance goals. Before I began my training program, I had a relatively weak body compared to my age mates, who were intensively stronger and muscular. I needed to be physically stronger and active in sports. But then I realized that all these do not come out without proper physical training and commitment.
Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a...
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