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Faith as the Foundation towards Self-Identity

Essay Instructions:


What is faith? What does it mean to have faith, and what does it mean to lack it? What is the connection between faith and self identity? Make and defend a claim about the nature and significance of faith for human life. The process of articulating your own definition of faith should begin with a basic definition that gradually gets refined and more sophisticated as you consider multiple examples and possible counter examples. You may freely draw on any of the philosophers we have discussed on faith. Once you arrive at your own fully articulated theory of faith, analyze the faith (or lack thereof) in Ta-nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me. It may very well be the case that Coates' book helps you further refine and articulate a theory of faith; or, you may find that Coates' book helps you insofar as it is an example of what it looks like to lack faith.

Formatting Instructions:

Times New Roman 12pt. font, double spaced, 1” margins 5-6 pages (4 full pages and then half of the 5th page is NOT a 5 page paper).

DO NOT WASTE SPACE on the first page with your name, the date, my name, the class name…etc.

Your paper should have a title. It should be the first line of the first page, centered. The title should not be “Writing Assignment” or “Philosophy Paper”.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Faith as the Foundation towards Self-Identity Beliefs are based on faith and reason. Reason can be defined as the principles that govern a certain thinking or action that is of intellectual, moral, aesthetic or religious significance. One of the aspects that define reason is the demonstrability nature of reason and reason unlike faith is not embodied in a sense of authority or tradition. If it is demonstrated then an action can be justified to be true or false. On the other hand, faith is an expression of trust in an action that cannot be demonstrated by reason. In my view and from the above definition, I can argue that faith requires a certain commitment and will from the person who wants to embrace it. One of the common ways through which someone can get their faith is through a sense of revelation. It can come from inside the believer or it can come from another person such as a friend or someone whom you know or whom you admire. In the case of religion, faith is one of the important tools since it keeps the believers together and it guides the believers in their practice of religion. The religious faith can be founded in two different ways and one of them is evidence sensitive meaning that it is built through the available evidence while the other is evidence insensitive meaning that it is not based on the available evidence. Evidence sensitive faith is based on truths that can be demonstrated. In most of the cases, it is demonstrated through the testimonies and works that have been gathered from the other believers. Evidence insensitive is a sense of will in which one decides to embrace religion and form it as the basis of their life. One of the common philosophical problems is that of faith and reason. The main cause of the conflict between faith and reason is that faith is based on divine teachings that are expressed through the writings and pronouncements by the religious leaders and they are regarded as sacred. They are also presented in forms of a parable or literary writing and they are therefore immune to any form of critique. In most of the cases is someone tries to ration the religious beliefs then they are treated as the one who is wrong and it is regarded that what they are doing is very wrong. However, there are other religions that allow a rational examination of the beliefs that they hold as Christians and the ration examination is carried out from time to time. Self-Identity and faith are one of the aspects that one needs in their life. Self-identity refers to the questions that arise from within ourselves by the virtue that we are people in relation to our faith. Our identity in terms of faith means that we are guided by the virtue that we have to learn the context of our faith in depth so that we can withstand the challenges that will affect our lives. Nietzsche who was one of the philosophers says that human beings should come up with their own identity based on self-realization and they can do so without necessarily relying upon or having faith in the existence of God. Self-Identity also means resenting aversion of yourself without necessarily trying to resent the version of someone else that you consider to be more superior than yourself. The journey to the discovery of self-identity begins by developing faith in yourself. By developing faith in yourself then you will have the ability to define yourself in various aspects such as the things that you love doing and the ideas that you hold and believe. In philosophy, self-identity also requires you to evaluate where you began, where you are heading and even what will happen when you die. It is important for one to remain the same person from time to time but there are other factors that can cause one to change. If it happens that you lose your memory or you become disabled then it means that you will not be the person that you were before. Self-identity provides an opportunity for one to live their lives in a different way than they used to live before since it helps one to realize things that they did not know or see before in their lives. Self-Identity comes in different ways in the course of our lives. In some instances, it can involve an unpleasant experience in your life while in other cases it can come to you through religious revelation. As part of human nature, we should be able to take up the opportunity and live a different life. Faith is significant for the human beings since it gives them a sense of hope and it is one of the virtues that define our lives. In the case of religious faith, it helps the Christians to develop a sense of persistence and steadfastness in their lives. Persons of religious faith are always faithful to the objects of their commitment and they will always strive to renew their faith through different ways as the art of strengthening it. Faith is also very important since it is the one that opens up to the other virtues such as love and charity. Even away from the theological view of faith, faith still remains part of human life and nature since it is the one that guides human beings in the activities that they d...
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