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Engineering Code of Ethics

Essay Instructions:

I need to design my own code of ethics as an engineer and have some reflection on it. More details are in the pdf file I uploaded.

Personal Code of Ethics and Reflection Important: This assignment is to be completed on your own. You are not to work with anyone else on this assignment. About This Assignment: As the semester comes to a closes, it is time for you to take all that you have learned this semester and put it together in a new way. This fulfills the “create” category of Bloom’s taxonomy. In this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned to develop a code of ethics for your engineering discipline. You will then write a reflection essay that details your thought process for creating the code and reflects on your learning experience throughout the course. The more effort and thought you put into creating your Code of Ethics, the easier the reflection essay will be. Purpose: Your reflection essay will demonstrate that you feel comfortable explaining and defending your moral choices and moral decision-making process to others (course goal 5). This assignment should also enable you to reflect on your own ethical commitments and biases (course goal 6). Finally, this assignment should reinforce your ability to think through ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making (course goal 2). Your Audience: You should write as though your intended audience is other engineers in your field. As such, you may suppose that the person reading your assignment is an expert in your field engineering. You should not suppose that your audience is familiar with the ethical frameworks we have encountered in this course. Plagiarism Warning: This code of ethics must be your own. You cannot claim to have written a code of ethics that is not your own. While you may be inspired by aspects of other codes of ethics, you cannot copy aspects of other codes of ethics word for word without citations/references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Engineering Code of Ethics
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Part 1: Engineering Code of Ethics.
As engineers, we must work professionally, adhering to the highest principle of ethical behavior. In my day-day duties as engineers, we must observe to cordially work without the violation of the rights of the public concerning its safety, health, and welfare. Also, ethics helps us have a good working relationship with each other and the clients we work for. Generally, the field of engineering is guided by moral principles that are followed in the practice of the profession. They help examine and set goals engineers must meet to the society, clients, and the profession itself. Therefore, this essay strives to bring out the engineering ethics of work and their importance in the engineering profession and the societies in which engineers work.
One of the major areas of concern in the engineering profession is the society where work is being done. It is key to note that without society and the general public, the work of an engineer will not be practical. Therefore, as a code of ethics, we as engineers should hold paramount the public's safety, health, and welfare. Our decisions, judgments, and practices incorporated into machines, products, and any other attendance area should be screened and declared fit for the general public's welfare. With other public safety bodies such as the National environment management authority, engineers should ensure that they meet the standards set by such bodies for the guaranteed and enhanced safety of the society in which they work.
It is important to note that false information is detrimental to the engineering sector. With the wrong information, the engineering work is bound to be sub-standard. It is with this regard that engineers should avoid deceptive acts. We should never give false information about our qualifications or allow misrepresentation of their qualifications. We are supposed to give clean facts about our past accomplishments, employers, employees, any joint activity carried out, and any other information as may be required. When soliciting for a contract or employment, corruption helps manipulate for consideration, and it is not a good practice. For quality work, we should not give or receive any contribution for influencing the award of a contract. In return, only qualified engineers will be issued with such works.
When issued a contract or offered employment, we should act as faithful agents for each employer. In case of any conflict of interest, the web is supposed to share with the employer to avoid influencing the quality of work done. It is unethical to solicit financial consideration directly or indirectly from outside agents connected with the work responsible. For the same project, one party should make payments to avoid conflicts between the two agents and double payment for one project. Being a faithful agent to the employer is good ethical behavior which we should observe to create a good working relationship between an engineer and the client or employer. For a government institution in which I am a member, offering work to my family members will be unethical and compromised.
As an engineer, working in the area of your competence is another ethic that I see fit. For areas whose competence is not sufficient, one should not fix their signatures to plans of such areas. Also, any document not prepared under our direction and control should not develop any interest in dealing with them. For a case where one has accepted the responsibility of the entire project, the technical segments should be signed by qualified engineers who prepared those sections.
When issuing public statements on projects, we should do so objectively and in a truthful manner. Reports should include all the necessary information about the projects and the dates properly indicated. With the knowledge and skills we have as engineers, we can express to the public technical information key for the success of certain projects in our jurisdict...
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