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A Discovered Flu

Essay Instructions:
Below is a link to the CDC website and an update for this year's strains. The article discusses a recent find by epidemiologist regarding a new strain of Influenza virus. Discuss your thoughts on the article and include possible outcomes that this new viral strain might impose on the upcoming flu season. http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/swineflu/h3n2v-cases.htm The following link gives general information about the flu and the best ways to prevent it. http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/about/season/flu-season-2013-2014.htm The article discusses a recent find by epidemiologist regarding a new strain of Influenza virus. Discuss your thoughts on the article and include possible outcomes that this new viral strain might impose on the upcoming flu season.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Discovered Flu
Recent findings by Center for Disease Control and Prevention department showed that a certain flu that originates from pigs is slowly creeping into human beings. When all the flu that originates from pigs gets into human beings, they are called variant viruses and thus this kind is called Influenza A H3N2 variant viruses or H3N2v viruses. The article by the CDC evidently indicates the findings with statistics of the detected cases from the year two thousand and eleven. This article stirs up a personal opinion regarding the new viral strain and the outcome it might bring on the upcoming season of flu.
The highlighted cases of the viral strains since the year it was discovered and its continuity shows persistence by the department to find out the flu’s trend. The CDC has identified at first in the pigs of the United States in the year two thousand and ten, but in the following year twelve cases of H3N2v had already been detected in several cities of the United States like Maine, Indiana, West Virginia, and Iowa, among others. The cases of the viral strain had spread by the year two thousand and twelve because there were three hundred and nine infections across twelve states. Furthermore, the infections continued to the following year of two thousand and thirteen, which started around June in the Indiana city, indicating that the trend is likely to continue and even increase if not controlled. One of the best reports in the article is the fact of discovering the viral strain as well as its possible cause and then the ways of controlling it. The statement implies that the ever-increasing cases of infections are contributed by the prolonged exposure to the source, which is pigs during agricultural fairs. This information would be very helpful to all individuals because they would be capable of taking precaution of avoiding infections. In addition, there is knowledge that most of the spread cases happen between pigs and humans, having few cases of human-to-human. However, the cases of localized outbreaks and sporadic infections among people are likely to continue occurring although the CDC are progressing in monitoring the situation in order to report H3N2v cases as well as other variant influenza viruses. The monitoring practice and reporting of any cases illustrates accountability and the need to establish a permanent control of the flu.
The new viral strain might increase the cases of infections to the existing, making it the season quite infectious and severe. Obviously, if individuals do not take the control measures then it means that cases of infections will increase in the upcoming season. The residents of various countries especially the United States should be extra careful when dealing with pigs that have signs of some sickness. Otherwise, the infections on individuals will impose some more spending on medication and less labor by the infected persons due to sickness. Moreover, the viral st...
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