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Climate Change and Industrialization

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The world is facing a climate change crisis. Industrialization has weakened the protective ozone layer through the emission of dangerous greenhouse gases making global temperatures rise. The rising global temperatures have led to rising ocean, sea, and lake water levels while rivers and rain catchment areas are drying up due to deforestation and high temperatures. New Orleans is facing an extinction threat from rising water levels and sinking land. It is projected that the town will be fully submerged by 2050, considering that the seawater level has risen by fifty feet already. However, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority released a $50 billion fund in 2017 to help tackle the climate change issue. New Orleans is among the beneficiaries of this plan.


I.            Topic: Climate change: What changes can be expected in your hometown or city (where you grew up) by 2050, with and without substantial reductions in GHG emissions?

II.            Introduction

a)      Climate change is a global problem

b)      Industrialization is good and cannot be reversed. Instead, measures should be taken to address the situation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

c)      New Orleans faces an extinction threat by 2050, but efforts by the US government will help the coastal town survive through the $50 billion fund

III.            Body

a)      Antarctica's ice mass loss is steadily sinking the land while increasing the sea level

i.            The problem is likely to affect the East Coast states and the gulf, which might get fully submerged by 2050

ii.            New Orleans has already lost 50 feet of its land to the sea.

iii.            It faces double threats from rising waters and heavy rains, which escalates the problem.

b)      There is a plan to save the town from extinction

i.            The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority released a $50 billion fund in 2017 to help tackle the climate change issue.

ii.            If the fund is used for the purpose, New Orleans will survive getting submerged by 2050

IV.            Conclusion

    1. Climate change is a threat that should be addressed before it is too late
    2. New Orleans might enter history books as getting submerged
    3. If the funds are well managed, New Orleans and other towns are likely to survive climate change's wrath.
    4. All stakeholders should be at the forefront of fighting climate change to save the world from the effects of climate change.

Planned articles

  1. New Orleans, Louisiana: Identifying and Becoming More Resilient to Impacts of Climate Change. (2018). Available at https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/ClimateWaterFS_NewOrleansLA.pdf
  2. The Impacts of Climate Change and the Trump Administration's Anti-Environmental Agenda in Louisiana - Center for American Progress. (2020). Available at https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2020/04/22/483723/impacts-climate-change-trump-administrations-anti-environmental-agenda-louisiana/
  3. Bessette, D. L., Mayer, L. A., Cwik, B., Vezér, M., Keller, K., Lempert, R. J., & Tuana, N. (2017). Building a values‐informed mental model for new orleans climate risk management. Risk Analysis37(10), 1993-2004
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Climate Change
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Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change is characterized as a substantial and long-term shift of weather patterns. It can take anywhere from a few decades to millions of years. It may be due to variations in average weather patterns, such as when the rainy season in the tropics starts on average, or changes in the frequency of severe events such as droughts, floods, and storms. The planet is in the middle of a climate change emergency. By producing toxic greenhouse gases, industrial development has destroyed the protective ozone layer, causing global temperatures to rise. The paper discusses the changes expected in my home city (New Orleans) by 2050 with or without reductions of GHG emissions.
Rising temperatures have increased sea, ocean, and lake water levels, while high temperatures and deforestations have caused rivers and rain catchment areas to dry up. Increasing water levels and falling land are putting New Orleans at risk of extinction. Given that the seawater level has already risen fifty feet, the town is expected to be fully submerged by 2050. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority set apart a $50 billion fund in 2017 to help fight against climate change. This scheme includes New Orleans as one of the beneficiaries.
Extreme weather is becoming common and more powerful. Small island states and other coastal areas and megacities are especially vulnerable. Children, especially those in developing countries, are prone to the resulting health risks and exposure to the effects for a longer period. Older people with ailments or pre-existing health problems are also likely to suffer more serious health consequences. Industrialization is a positive thing that cannot get stopped. Instead, steps to correct the problem and reduce greenhouse emissions should get taken. Consequently, by 2050, the economic, environmental, and humanitarian threats faced by climate change in New Orleans demonstrate the urgent need for immediate action to limit the scale of climate change and plan for its consequences.
Taking action now would reduce the risks of climate change and the incentive to make bigger, more gradual, and even more costly reductions later. The majority of steps taken to mitigate climate change risk are common-sense measures that will provide security against inevitable climate changes and extreme weather events. Consequently, New Orleans faces extinction by 2050, but the $50 billion funds established by the US administration will help the coastal city survive ("impacts of climate change and the Trump administration’s anti-environmental agenda in Louisiana," 2020).
Every year, there are twenty days of the brutal sun. And over a billion people have been displaced. Such are all plausible scenarios that will devastate economies by 2050 if climate change is not addressed dramatically and quickly. The New Orleans City Council fina...
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