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Cellular Respiration. Enzymes involved in cellular respiration mentioned in the video and their function (bio 102 wk 2 case)

Essay Instructions:

please follow the instructions on the attached document there is additional information with required reading on the attached document


Readings and background information





First, view the PowerPoint slide presentation Inside the Cell: Enzymatic Reactions, Energy Conversion, and Transport. As before, this presentation only introduces the material that is explored in more detail in the links provided below.

Now please read more about how chemical reactions are catalyzed by enzymes:

Farabee, MJ (2010) Reaction and Enzymes. Accessed February 12, 2012, at:http://www2(dot)estrellamountain(dot)edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/biobookenzym.html

Next read about the processes of photosynthesis and the structure of chloroplasts:

Farabee, MJ (2010) Photosynthesis. Accessed February 12, 2012:http://www2(dot)estrellamountain(dot)edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookPS.html

And work through this tutorial:

Photosynthesis (building sugars from the environment – plants/photosynthetic organisms/producers)http://www(dot)phschool(dot)com/science/biology_place/biocoach/photosynth/intro.html

Now proceed to reading about the processes of cellular respiration and the structure of mitochondria:

Kimball, John. (2011) Cellular Respiration. Accessed February 12, 2012.http://users(dot)rcn(dot)com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/C/CellularRespiration.html

View these videos on cellular respiration:

Glycolysis  http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=gTv9y5dol-A

The Krebs Cycle http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ncEHa-ZwX3M

Electron Transport Chain (Phosphorylation) http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=hqF5JOXi_K8

Cellular Respiration by Jay Phelan in, What is Life? A Guide to Biology, W. H. Freeman & Co. © 2010 W. H. Freeman & Co., and Sumanas, Inc.  Accessed 3/11/2014 athttp://www(dot)sumanasinc(dot)com/webcontent/animations/content/cellularrespiration.html

And complete these tutorials:

Cellular Respiration (utilizing sugars – most living organisms/aerobic organisms/consumers)http://www(dot)phschool(dot)com/science/biology_place/biocoach/cellresp/intro.html




Now that you have learned the basics of energy conversion, enzymatic activity, and two important processes used by living organisms, you will focus on cellular respiration for this Case Assignment.

After viewing the videos on Cellular Respiration, answer the following questions in a 2-3 page paper:

  1. What enzymes are named in the videos (provide at least 5)?
  2. What do these enzymes do, generally speaking?  Would the reaction occur if they were not present? Why or why not?
  3. Define these terms: substrate, enzyme, ATP, and describe why they are important in cellular respiration.
  4. What are the byproducts of cellular respiration?  Where do these byproducts end up (in the organism AND in the environment)?

Assignment Expectations

The Case Assignment is a written description of a problem or situation. Most cases are a “snapshot” of a particular situation within a complex environment.

The purpose of the Case Assignments in this course is to place the student in a position that will require research, synthesis of information, and critical thought. The student will be asked to distinguish pertinent facts from peripheral facts, identify central alternatives among several issues competing for attention, and formulate strategies and recommendations. This method provides an opportunity to sharpen problem-solving skills and to improve the ability to think and reason rigorously.

Your essay is considered a scholarly work.  You will be provided with many scholarly references to begin each assignment.  For any additional research you are required to do to complete your assignment, please use scholarly references such as a peer reviewed journal article or a government sponsored or university sponsored website.  As you read through your sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own words, describing what you have learned from your research.  Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks.  Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014).   When you write your essay, please organize your paper to include an introduction (overview of the assignment), body with subtitles (reflecting the requirements of the assignment), and a summary (develop connections between the required topics).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case assignment: Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
Enzymes involved in cellular respiration mentioned in the video and their function
ATP synthase (Complex V), the NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I), succinate dehydrogenase (Complex II), the cytochrome C reductase complex (III), and the cytochrome C oxidase (Complex IV), are some of the enzymes that are mentioned in the video and are involved in cellular respiration (Savage, 2012a; Savage 2012b & Savage, 2012c). Generally, these enzymes are very vital in the transfer of electrons and protons via the inner membrane of the mitochondrion as well as aiding in the binding of ADP to phosphate group to form ATP for the case of ATP synthase. Cellular respiration involves the process that leads to the synthesis energy in form of ATP in the cells of living organisms from the breakdown of nutrients. The energy synthesized in form of ATP is then used by the cell to carry out its activities. The nutrients that are broken in the process of respiration include: fats, proteins and carbohydrates (Savage, 2012).
In the respiration process, large molecules are broken down during cellular respiration to smaller ones and it is the energy in the bonds of these large molecules that is finally trapped as ATP. Cellular respiration takes place in three major steps: glycolysis, krebs cycle or citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain. Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol and entails breaking of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate accompanied by the production of 2 ATP molecules (Farabee, 2010a). On the other hand both krebs cycle precedes electron transport chain and both take place inside mitochondria resulting to production of carbon dioxide and water with about 36 molecules of ATP through oxidation of pyruvate (Savage, 2012). The absence of these enzymes would exclude the transfer of electrons and protons thus shutting down the electron transport chain thus no ATP would be formed.
A substrate is substance that is acted upon by enzyme. Substrates reserve energy in their bonds which can be useful in various ways after the breaking of these bonds. Substrates can also act ...
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