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Diffusion in Images in the American Society

Essay Instructions:

The report for your capstone assignment should be submitted through UBLearns as a PDF or Word file. The report should contain a brief written explanation (up to 300 words) of your chosen theme, followed by 3-4 images that illustrate the theme and relate to each other. Your written explanation should identify what is being presented in each of the images and include in-text references to each of the figures as they are discussed (e.g., “The landscape in Figure 1 illustrates how folk housing is adapted to local resources.”).

The images that you include in your report may be from your own archives or from the Internet. You may be inspired by images from our text, but you should not re-use these for the purposes of the assignment. Conduct research to Make sure that images obtained from the Internet are available for use under creative commons licenses, such as Wikimedia (which is a frequently cited source in the Graves text): https://commons(dot)wikimedia(dot)org/wiki/Main_Page. Internet sources should be fully cited with URL hyperlink in the caption. If you use your own images, such as maps that you have made or photographs you have taken, indicate this by noting “Source: author.”

Insert the images into your document following your written explanation, with a numbered label, caption, and source (e.g., “Figure 1: Midlands Folk Housing. Source: author” ).

I Have posted Example in below.


This is the chapter 1-6we studied. You can choose the one you like to write this report.Please do not use topics more than 6 chapters.If still need any more info let me know.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution/ Institution
The current American society, shown in figure 1, is built of ideas and practices from diverse cultures, among others, four primary folk cultures and other smaller folk cultures. Although many ancient cultures' behaviours have been discarded, some actions such as political beliefs, foodways, housing, religious practice, and musical tastes practiced in the historic folk culture are still evident in present-day society.
The folk hosing designs are standard in contemporary American society and some significant parts of the world. Folk housing designs include I-houses, Cape-cod houses, cabin and porch, Saddlebag House, to name a few. In the Piedmont and Midwest landscape, I-houses are the typical folk houses, as shown in figure 2. I-house is a profound landscape symbol that communicates a lot about the regions' culture, politics, and economics. The term I-house was coined by Fred Kniffen –a cultural geographer, due to the high prevalence of these houses in Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, all starting with a capital “I.”
This type of house was constructed from the 18th to the early twentieth century and is common in urban settings in the United States. During this period, this house design diffused southward from its cultural hearth, Midd...
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