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Title Market Outlook for Satellite and Launch Vehicle Manufacturers

Essay Instructions:
1. Paper proposal and outline – HW 3 This assignment is designed for the students to research on a topic (discussed below) and to prepare a proposal for the term paper. The proposal and outline should ensure that the final paper reviews the main literature pertaining to the topic and that the paper is organized in a clear fashion. HW 3 consists of three parts, preferably written on separate pages. - Detailed outline (min. 1 page) - Proposal (1 page, single spaced – minimum of 500 words) - Reference list: a minimum of 5 references must be included. Please download the attached template and type your proposal using the template format. Do not forget to add your name, email address, student ID #, and session (MW11, MW5, TR11, FR11...) on top of the first page (HW3_Template.doc). The first page of the template will be used by your instructors to grade and write comments on your paper . Detailed outline : The detailed outline of the paper describes how the paper is organized with respect to a particular topic. An example of a generic outline is included below: - Abstract - Introduction (Chapter 1) - Chapter 2 o Sect. 2.1 o Sect. 2.2, etc. - Chapter 3, etc. o ... - Conclusion - References The main body of the paper should be organized in Chapters 2, 3, … each discussing a distinct part as needed. The number of chapters and how they are organized mainly depend on the topic. If necessary, suggestions will be made when the outline is reviewed and returned to students. Chapter titles, section and sub-section titles must be included Proposal: The proposal part should reflect the information contained in the outline in a narrative form. It should discuss each of the points in the outline. For example, the proposal should start with one or several sentences introducing the topic, followed by one or several sentences discussing why the topic being researched is important, etc. It should be a minimum of one single-spaced page (10 to 12-pt. font size), i.e. 500 words or more. Submission and feedback: Make sure to include your name, SID, and session (e.g. MW11, TR11, etc.) typed on the top of your HW within the word processor. The assignment is to be turned in class. It is then returned to students with corrections and suggestions. Students should carefully consider these corrections and suggestions in preparing the next draft of their papers. To ensure that the students have implemented the corrections and suggestions, students must attach HW 3 to the draft of the paper they submit for HW 4. Click here for a sample HW 3 . 2. Draft of paper (HW 4) In order to ensure that the final paper is of quality and that the students have appropriate feedback before submission of the final version, a draft the full paper (at least 3000 words ) must be submitted for review. General characteristics of the paper are discussed below in order to prepare the draft accordingly. The draft must be based on the outline which was turned in for HW 3 (after revising it with any given feedback), and which now becomes the paper table of contents (TOC). In this draft, students write details of the different sections. References must be cited in the text. Also, chapter/section titles and subtitles that are in the TOC must be present in the text. The only part not required until the Final Paper is the abstract. The graded HW 3 must be attached to the draft. In summary, HW 4 includes: - "Grade sheet" attached by Faculty to the HW 3 for feedback - Draft of the full paper (at least 3000 words) including: o Title page with title of topic, your name, your SID, and section nb. (e.g. MW 2) o Table of contents (TOC) based on (revised) outline of HW 3 o Introduction (Chapter 1) o Chapters 2, 3... o Conclusion o References - Original proposal and outline (HW 3) with grade and our comments. Summary of additional requirements for HW 4: - All references MUST be cited in the text in a consistent fashion. Students may choose the format for citing references (e.g. with a nb. such as (Ref. 2) and the details of Ref. 2 would appear in the Reference page at the end of the paper), as long as it is consistent throughout the paper. - The TOC contains only titles and subtitles, no narration - These titles and subtitles must be repeated in the text at the appropriate place. For example, the ENGR 370I course contents is organized in this fashion. To ensure ample feedback and the quality of the final paper, this draft will be graded and returned to students. 3. Final paper (due Finals week) Based on the feedback provided in HW 4, the final paper is then submitted. The following must be turned in for this assignment: - "Grade sheet" attached by Faculty to the original HW 3 for feedback - Final paper: o Cover page o Abstract o Table of contents based on the (revised) outline. o Introduction (chap. 1) o Other chapters (chap. 2, 3, etc.) – main body o Conclusion o References - Original proposal and outline with our comments and grade (HW 3) - Draft of paper with our comments and grade (HW 4) The abstract is a half-page summary of the paper. It should be self contained (no references), should summarize what is discussed in the paper, and should focus on the main conclusions of the paper. Please note the difference between an abstract and an introduction : - An abstract is a self-contained summary, i.e. it should contain the main conclusions of the paper/study. - An introduction places the topic in the broader context and leads the reader to the beginning of your detailed description without revealing the conclusions contained therein. The various sections should be linked with one another in a clear and organized fashion, and should follow the revised outline. The text should be free of any grammatical and spelling errors. The paper should have a cover page containing the title of the paper, the student name and SID, as well as the class section (e.g. MW 2). The final paper must be at least 3000 words. Again, the bibliography (min. of 5 references) should be clearly referenced in the text, e.g. with numbers. Also, chapter/section titles and subtitles that are in the TOC must be in the text. For more details on assessment criteria, click here . The original proposal and outline with our comments as well as the revised version, and the draft with our comments must be attached to the final paper. Note that even if the student got a perfect score for HW 4, the Final Paper MUST be REPRINTED and turned in along with other documents. 4. Topic of research paper The research paper topic must be an interdisciplinary subject relating Astronautics and either (1) science, (2) business or economics, or (3), engineering or technology. Emphasis should be placed on the interdisciplinary nature of the topic. You must choose one of the topics listed below in any of the following categories (failure to select a topic from the list below will result in a 0 grade for HW 3 ): (1) Science and Astronautics - One of the following space exploration missions with emphasis on their scientific experiments and discoveries. o Deep space 1 o Mars Global Surveyor o Stardust o Ulysses o Voyager Interstellar Mission - Not the original Voyager Mission! o Deep Impact o New Horizons o Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter o Dawn Mission o Phoenix Mission - Or one of the following Earth observation programs with emphasis on scientific aspects o Ocean topography experiment o Shuttle Radar topography mission - Or one of the following Earth and Space bound Telescopes o Hubble Space Telescope with emphasis on instrumentation and scientific discoveries o Spitzer Space Telescope o Recent discovering of planets outside the Solar System using telescopes (2) Engineering and Technological Development related to Astronautics. - New types of Rocket propulsion: electric or nuclear - Not using the conventional mono-, bi-, or solid propellants - Future requirements for communication satellites - Microgravity science experiments such as growth of crystals in the microgravity environment and their applications in medicine, manufacturing, etc. - Specialized software for space missions and spacecraft - Development of new Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism (3) Business and Economics - Commercial applications of technologies and materials developed for space applications - Possible Commercial applications of microgravity such as manufacturing. - Current market outlook for space business for commercial satellites, or launch vehicles - Note the "or" - Not both - Management of complex space projects: ISS - Focus should be on the management between various participants, not the ISS itself - Development of new Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism
Essay Sample Content Preview:
First & Last Name: John SmithSemester: Fall 2011
Email Address: xxxx@xxxx.com
SID #: xxxxxxx
Section (e.g. TR 11): MW12:30, MW3:30 or TR11





Approved Topic


Cover page


Title Market Outlook for Satellite and Launch Vehicle Manufacturers




Detailed Outline




Proposal (500 words ~1 pg.)

Full paper (3000 words ~10 pg.)

Full paper (3000 words ~10 pg.)


References (min 5)

References (min 5)

References (min 5)



Hw3 attached

Hw3 attached




Hw4 attached

Contents and Organization:




Purpose clearly stated




Logical flow








Titles and subtitles before sections




Supporting Material




Appropriate refs.




Refs. Cited in text























Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract: PAGEREF _Toc307322656 \h 31.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc307322657 \h 42.0 Deep Space 1 PAGEREF _Toc307322658 \h 5DS1 Specifications PAGEREF _Toc307322659 \h 5DS1`s Shape PAGEREF _Toc307322660 \h 5Solar panels PAGEREF _Toc307322661 \h 5The Engine PAGEREF _Toc307322662 \h 6New Technologies on DS1 PAGEREF _Toc307322663 \h 6Ion energy and solar concentrator PAGEREF _Toc307322664 \h 6Concentrated multifunctional structures PAGEREF _Toc307322665 \h 73.0 DS1 Mission Profile PAGEREF _Toc307322666 \h 7Launch date PAGEREF _Toc307322667 \h 7Manufacturing of DS1 PAGEREF _Toc307322668 \h 8Mission`s success PAGEREF _Toc307322669 \h 8The Rescue Mission PAGEREF _Toc307322670 \h 10The Encounter PAGEREF _Toc307322671 \h 114.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc307322672 \h 135.0 References PAGEREF _Toc307322673 \h 17
Science and Astronautics: Deep Space 1
This paper intends to explore the mission commissioned by NASA on a very low budget but in the end produced more than was anticipated. Technology plays an important role in the life that we are living today. In a quest to explore what happens in space NASA produced high risk gadgets that it wanted to test how they will perform while in the space. This is the reason why NASA came up with Deep Space 1 (DS1), an unmanned spacecraft that was to carry the gadgets to space for the testing.
The paper shows that the mission surpassed the expectations of the control team by far, because in addition to testing the efficiency of the new technology, DS1 provided scientific data that had never been collected before. Although the spacecraft was not made to collect data from a comet, it reached the milestone and in addition collected data from an asteroid. In this paper, it is shown that the control team of DS1 was able to change their missions after it realized that the spacecraft was able to deliver much more than they initially thought.
In conclusion the paper shows that it was impossible to estimate the performance of the ship because the technology that was been used was very new. In some instances, the control team could not establish what to expect because they had never practically seen some of the technologies working. The mission was high-risk that many thought it would fail, but it proved everybody wrong because of what it achieved.
1.0 Introduction
Technological advances have enabled many discoveries to be made across almost all the scientific fields. This paper discusses the technological advances that were shown by the launch of Deep Space 1 (DS1), which was a very successful NASA project. The spacecraft, launched on 24 October 1998 was to test high-risk technology by the NASA New Millennium Program. The spacecraft had incorporated several new technologies that NASA intended on testing its efficiency. One of the main features on the spacecraft was the Miniature Integrated Camera-Spectrometer (MICAS), which are imaging gadgets that have UV and IR spectrometers.
It is of paramount importance to note that in addition to talking pictures of objects, MICAS are able to study the chemical formula, size geomorphology, atmosphere and spin-state of the target objects. This means that the cameras are able to get much of the information that the scientists are interested in, in objects that are in space. This enabled the scientists in understanding what type of materials existed in space although the DS1 was not manned. In order to measure solar wind when in motion, DS1 had on its board an ion and electronic spectrometer referred to as the Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE). This was for measuring the extent of solar wind interaction with target bodies as well as cometary coma. Cometary coma refers to inactivity in comets that DS1 encountered as it cruised through the space.
2.0 Deep Space 1
DS1 Specifications
DS1`s Shape
The spacecraft was built in an octagonal shape that was 1.5 m high, 1.1 m deep and 1.1 m wide. The body of the spacecraft was aluminum in order to make it light enough for efficiency. The whole of the spacecraft including the antennae was 2.5 m high, 2.1 m deep and 1.7 m wide (DS1 Technology Validation Reports, 2001). The source of power was batteries, which were to be recharged by solar panels. The panels were attached to the wings of the spacecraft and were 11.75 m wide. It is important to note that the solar panels, which were given the name of SCARLET II (Solar Concentrator Arrays with Refractive Linear Element Technology), were new and were being tested during mission (Thornton & Border, 2005).
Solar panels
At the start of the mission, the solar panels were to produce 2500 W at 100 volts. However, this was expected to decrease because the spacecraft was moving away from the sun and at the same time, the solar cells were to age with time thus decreasing their efficiency. However, this was no cause of concern because the spacecraft needed less power after it was out of the atmosphere. Mounted on top of the spacecraft were two low gain antennae, high gain antenna and a Ka band antenna for communication. In addition, a third low gain antenna was mounted on the service boom.
The Engine
A xenon ion engine, which was mounted at the bottom of the frame, was used for propulsion of the spacecraft. Aboard the spacecraft, there was a total of 81.5 kg of xenon in addition to 31.1 kg of hydrazine for reaction. This fuel was responsible for the launch of the spacecraft. Several chemical reactions had to take place in order to ensure that the spacecraft had the required momentum to escape from the atmosphere. The diameter of the engine was 30 cm, which consisted of an ionization chamber for the injection of xenon gas. Positive ions were created after electrons collided with xenon gas (DS1 Technology Validation Reports, 2001). "The ions were accelerated through a 1280 volt grid at to 31.5 km/sec and ejected from the spacecraft as an ion beam, producing 0.09 Newtons (0.02 pounds) of thrust at maximum power (2300 W) and 0.02 N at the minimum operational power of 500 W" in order to neutralize electric charge, excess electrons were reinserted into thee ion beam". (Thornton & Border, 2005, p. 45)
New Technologies on DS1
Ion energy and solar concentrator
DS1 had several new technologies, which were being tried for the first time. One of these technologies is the fact that the spacecraft was the first one to be propelled using ion energy alone. In addition, the power of the engine lasted for 16,265 hours, the longest time an engine has been run using any type of energy (Kennedy et al, 2004). Moreover, the spacecraft had on board a new solar concentrator array that was responsible for utilizing solar power even after the spacecraft had moved very far away from the sun.
Concentrated multifunctional structures
The spacecraft had a tiny transponder, power switching, and several multifunctional structures, which ensured that cabling, thermal control, and electronics were concentrated in a single load-bearing element. This was for reducing the space that could have been taken, if each operation was to be installed separately. The makers of the spacecraft wanted to minimize the space in order to come up with a shuttle that was small in order to reduce the weight.
3.0 DS1 Mission Profile
Launch date
The was launched on 24 October 1998 at 8.08 a. m EDT at Cape Canaveral Air Station from pad 17-A. this was the first launch to be conducted by NASA under Med-Lite booster program that had three solid propellant rockets strapped on a spacecraft. The third stage burn happened at 13:01 UT putting DS1 in its solar orbit trajectory. Consequently, at about 550 km above the Indian Ocean, DS1 separated itself from Delta II (Kennedy et al, 2004).
Radiation delayed the time telemetry should have been received from DS1 by 13 minutes and thus it was received one hour and thirty-seven minutes after the launch of the spacecraft. Radiation led to false locks, which delayed DS1 from acquiring its initial attitude. Initially, the spacecraft was "to fly by the asteroid 3352 McAuliffe in 1999 and comet P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura and the planet Mars in the year 2000" but this could not be achieved because there were delays in launch (Kennedy et al, 2004, p. 30). The original plans for DS1 were to have its mission end in 18 September 1999, although there was the possibility of extending the mission to let the spacecraft fly along with comet Borrely in September 2001. In addition, on July 28 1999 DS1 was expected to fly by asteroid 1992 KD while at a distance of between five and ten kilometers.
Encounter with the asteroid was not one of the primary accomplishments of the mission. The main reason for the mission was to test the authenticity of the advanced and high-risk technologies that were being tested. However, the encounter with the asteroid was considered as a bonus in the mission. The insignificance of the asteroid encounter can be noted by the fact that NASA did not include it when detailing the successes of DS1. However, DS1 returned the most detailed data on comet science that has ever been realized.
Manufacturing of DS1
Unlike in most instances where contactors manufacture the whole spacecraft, Spectrum Astro made only a small portion of the DS1. The spacecraft was manufactured in partnership with Spectrum Astro and JPL with JPL delivering telecom, ion propulsion, advanced technologies, reaction control, integration, software as well as test.
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