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What is the relationship between Colombian and Mexican drug organizations? Why is so difficult for the governments of these two respective nations to wipe out the drug trade?

Essay Instructions:
Each assignment will need to include the following: - The original question at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract) - The body of your answer in several paragraphs - A titled reference section that has been formatted according to APA 6th ed style. - A minimum of seven to ten references per assignment. One reference can include the textbook. However, you will need to include several additional academic sources. These sources should consist of scholarly journals that have been peer reviewed and academically based books. Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. If you have a question Examples of peer reviewed scholarly based journals include: Journal of Criminology Crime and Public Opinion Journal of Criminal Justice and Public Policy Justice Quarterly: JQ You will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia found at http://www(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/ and Answers.com, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. You cannot use web pages of a questionable background or academic source. Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted) and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is a graduate level class and you are required to submit graduate level work, which is backed up by academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource please e-mail your professor. Most of this material that you need for your assignments can be found in the AMU library. You are encouraged to use the library to locate the needed material. Additionally, at the bottom of this syllabus is a list of acceptable organizations and groups found on the World Wide Web which you can use to find material for your assignments.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
DRUGS IN MEXICO AND COLOMBIA Name: Institution affiliation: Course: Date of Submission Drugs in Mexico and Colombia Research has shown that Mexico is actually the biggest point of entry for drug shipment and mostly the cocaine being trafficked into the United States analysis shows that sixty five percent of the cocaine is actually trafficked through the southern west border. On the other hand Colombia is actually the major supply and source of cocaine and do control the amounts. These misconduct groups in Colombia move the drugs through many forms of shipments into the US. These misconduct groups in Colombia move the drugs through all different types of transportation into the United States. Lately, the Colombian groups permit Mexico drug linked groups to show a growing role in the United States cocaine trade. Nowadays drug peddlers in Colombia remain to control the drug distribution entering in and going out of the United States. They mostly dispense in the northern part of the United States and also along the eastern coastline. Dominican clusters are accountable for the delivery throughout these regions of the United States. Currently in New York City, Dominican, Colombian, and Mexican drug trading groups dispense many kilogram amounts of cocaine (Abudasky, 2008). Mexico grounded trafficking groups in larger cities regulate the dissemination of large amounts of cocaine. Moreover the Colombian drug groups mostly rely on the east of Pacific sea as their trading route to transport drugs and specifically cocaine into United States. Additionally drugs specifically cocaine is also transported through the Caribbean. Haiti is one of the most rapid growing places more and more because of drugs destined for the eastern region of the United States marketplaces. On the other hand most of the drug peddlers in Jamaica have distributions delivered to Europe, United States and the Canada. It is very clear and evident that drugs are the main causes of the frequent organized crimes in Colombia and Mexico (Abudasky, 2008). Neither the military nor the police can curb it. The two countries actually differ in a diversity of ways. The reason of antiquity of radical dissonance in Colombia it is actually perforated with communist revolution and politically unadventurous mercenaries hoping for command of the nation. Despite the fact that political history in Mexico revolves just around one party government, the country is faced by bribery in the highest form of regime not forgetting the main law enforcement officers. The reason for this is because the "Partido Revolution Institutional" or the PRI actually did not face any form of opposition during the election and therefore corruption became the disaster. Despite the ...
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