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Ethics Reflection Paper Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Week 8 - Assignment: IDEA (Individuals with disabilities education act) and Ethics Reflection Paper

Write a brief response to each of the following prompts:

Why is it important that the concept of ethics and ethical principles be included in the preparation of Special Education teachers?

What is the ethic of care? How does it relate to Special Education?

Discuss the four principles of IDEA and give examples of where possible ethical questions may arise.

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The purpose of learning ethics and ethical principles is to understand what the rights of people are (Mepham, 2013). It is essential for teachers to know how to follow the code of ethics so that they can provide the best teaching facilities to their students. Teachers working in special education centers are expected to be honest, fair, friendly and cooperative to all students; in addition, they should not take advantage of their position by harassing or torturing students in any way. If they are aware of the ethics of working, then it will be easy for them to contribute to a well-versed education system.
The ethics of care is all about knowing how to take good care of others (Hardin, 2017). This normative ethical concept clarifies that there is a strong connection between moral actions and relationship with others. If the actions of a person are positive and favorable, then their relationship with others will surely be good. In a special education center, teachers are responsible for remembering the ethics of care while providing educational facilities to their students.
The four principles of IDEA are Appropriate Evaluation, Individualized Education Plan, Restriction-Free Environ...
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