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Week 5 Special Education Law: Procedural Due Process Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Write a brief response to each of the following questions in an essay format: ( if you need to add 1 more page please do so and I’ll pay the extra 1page ).

“ Procedural Due Process in special education “

1)How do the disciplinary actions of suspension and expulsion affect student rights under the 14th Amendment?

2)How was the concept of fundamental fairness included in the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EACHA) of 1975?

3) what issues have resulted from the interpretation and implementation of the concept of due process in EAHCA?

4) why are the mediation and due process guidelines essential factors in the provision of rights for children with disabilities?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 5 Special Education Law: Procedural Due Process Reflection Essay
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Procedural Due Process
Procedural due process is the legal steps and requirements created to protect the rights of children, parents and school districts. The 14th amendment suggests that no state can deprive any person of their life, liberty or property without due process of law (Mueller & Carranza, 2011). Education is a right of every student and its deprivation entitles a student to due process. The rights during a due process hearing because of suspension and expulsion include: right to know what specific rules are violated, the right to have decision regarding the disciplinary action taken decided by a three-person panel and the right to provide evidence and witnesses.
The idea of essential fairness has been integrated into the education for all handicapped children act through the rights that the due process grants these children (Newcomer & Zirkel, 1999). Some of these rights include: right to have privacy of accounts by the parents, right to study all records and obtain a sovereign evaluation. They are also given the right to neutral hearing when differences arise regarding the educational strategies of a child and right for legal representation by counsel. All these pertain to the education of a child.
The implementation and interpretation of...
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