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Violent Crimes Assignment Chapter 4
Essay Instructions:
You are required to answer each question in 2 paragraphs each. This include citations from the text as well as outside resources can be used. Here is a guide if you are not sure how to get 2 paragraphs from the questions.
First Paragraph:
Introduce the Main Idea: Start with a topic sentence that introduces your response to the question.
Explain Your Point: Develop your main argument or explanation, using relevant examples or ideas from your research.
Include Evidence: Provide one piece of evidence from your research (a quote, statistic, or paraphrase) to support your explanation. Make sure to cite the source.
Second Paragraph:
Expand on Your Response: Dive deeper into the topic by discussing additional aspects, implications, or related concepts.
Provide Further Evidence: Include another piece of evidence from your research to strengthen your response. Again, be sure to cite your source.
Conclude the Response: Summarize the key points you made, tying everything back to the original question.
Questions to answer:
1) Compare and contrast subculture of violence theory with opportunity theory.
2) Identify race and gender patterns present in homicide.
3) Compare excusable homicide, justifiable homicide, and criminal homicide.
4) Murder is divided into first and second degrees of seriousness. What considerations serve to distinguish the levels of seriousness?
This is based off the book Deviant Behavior by John A. Humphrey and Frank Schmalleger. From Chapter 4. This assignment is being submitted in Turnitin. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you.
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Violent Crimes Assignment
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Violent Crimes Assignment
Question 1: Compare and contrast subculture of violence theory with opportunity theory.
Subculture of violence theory and opportunity theories recognize the contribution of external factors in influencing violent behavior. However, these two theories differ in that subculture theory presents violent behavior as a learned vice within a social group while opportunity theory is all about situational factors. According to the subculture of violence theory, some social groups maintain norms that encourage violent behavior as a response to disputes. In such a society, respect is accorded to the most violent individuals. Humphrey and Schmalleger (2012) argue that in such settings, violence becomes socially acceptable and individuals adopt violent behaviors as a mechanism of conforming to group identity. A good example is in criminal groups in inner-city gangs where violence reigns.
The opportunity theory, on the other hand, argues that violent behavior is a result of the availability of criminal opportunities. Unlike subculture theory which talks about learned cultural norms, opportunity theory talks about situations presenting circumstances for practicing criminal behavior. According to Humphrey and Schmalleger (2012), this theory maintains that individuals practice criminal behavior when they encounter favorable circumstances that support such behavior. A good example is in a situation where there are no consequences for those who commit a crime.
Question 2: Identify race and gender patterns present in homicide.
Homicide trends usually reflect social inequalities where race and gender highly influence the victimization and crime perpetration patterns. As Zimmerman, Fridel, and Trovato (2024) assert, African American males have been identified to disproportionately experience both homicide victimization and perpetration, especially in urban areas. This finding is usually linked to socioeconomic disadvantages, systemic inequalities, and structural discrimination. Research reports confirm this by pu...
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