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Use of Body Cameras by Police Officers

Essay Instructions:

Please prepare an argument in favor or against police officers wearing body cameras. Explain why you believe these cameras are effective or ineffective. Your argument should address the following four points: (1) privacy issues for police, third parties, and suspects; (2) use of force issues; (3) budgetary concerns; and (4) legislative action. As support for your argument, cite specific examples and reference the scholarly articles (Bud and Sandhu) listed in your assigned readings. The following articles may also prove helpful:



Please also use Box 15.1: Actions in Wake of Police-Community in your textbook. As part of your argument include a discussion of whether you believe state legislators should pass laws requiring the use of body cameras or allow (or prohibit) bystanders videotaping police actions. Box 15.1 gives you an overview of what legislators have done in some states thus far. Note that your argument can be some combination in favor of or against the use of body cameras.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Body Cameras
Body Cameras
The use of body cameras by police officers has gained significant traction over the years. Such cameras have faced support and condemnation, with proponents arguing their importance in documenting police encounters while opposers view them as an invasion of privacy. However, such body cameras can have benefits in enhancing accountability and transparency by law enforcement (Ariel). This paper thus presents an argument for the use of body cameras by police offers by examining its benefits with regard to privacy concerns, use of force issues, budgetary concerns, and legislative action. This will provide better insights on how such body cameras can enhance accountability, transparency, and trust in society as they operate.
The Case for Body Cameras
Police officers, third parties, and citizens face challenges when it comes to the commission of crimes. As a result, a solution for this menace involves the introduction of body cameras for police to use during their daily operations in public. However, there are several concerns regarding their implementation, both internally and from the general public, regarding their efficacy and ultimate cost-benefits. More so, issues such as privacy, use of force, budgetary concerns, and legislative action have also been at the forefront of the discussion on their use. These aspects are described in detail below, highlighting how such issues can be overcome.
Privacy Issues
Privacy concerns are a major issue when it involves the use of body cameras by police officers since they record all activities. This affects not only police officers but also suspects and third parties at the scene. While it is notable that privacy is an important factor, the use of such cameras is bound by protocols that can be improved and enhanced to address any privacy concerns (Bud, 2016). By ensuring that such video and audio evidence is only used for the purposes intended, including investigation and evidence gathering, the privacy of all concerned parties is guaranteed. This can be done by following the policies and procedures that govern the usage, storage, and access to such information from the body cameras. Further, non-essential information can be redacted from footage to eliminate access to sensitive information. Ultimately, this decreases privacy and confidentiality concerns, thus enhancing the protection of the rights of all involved parties.
Use of Force Issues
The use of excessive force by police officers when apprehending suspects has often cropped up in discussions about police brutality. This is because, without any video evidence of corroborating witnessing such incidences, the case becomes an argument between the words of police officers and that of the suspects. As a result, aggrieved suspects cannot get justice under such circumstances. However, by introducing body cameras, the police are forced to strictly follow protocols when apprehending suspects by using appropriate levels of force under each circumstance (Figueroa). More so, the ability of the video evidence from these cameras can provide an objective basis for the investigation and de...
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