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U.S. Cases that Awarded Inmates' Rights and its Impact on Correctional Administration

Essay Instructions:

Inmates' Rights
Write a 3–4 page research paper in which you:
1. Summarize inmates' rights and the U.S. cases that awarded them those rights.
2. Explain how inmates' rights impact correctional administration.
3. Articulate your perspective about whether inmates have too many or too few rights.
Be sure to include the rationale behind your perspective.
4. Recommend, based on research and/or experience, additional rights to be afforded to inmates and those which should be removed.
5. Use three sources to support your writing. (see the ones i attached to this) please find at least two more, please.
Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
Seigafo, S. (2017). Inmate’s Right to Rehabilitation during Incarceration: A Critical Analysis of the United States Correctional System. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 12(2), 183–195. https://doi(dot)org/10.5281/zenodo.1034656

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inmate Rights
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Summary of inmates' rights and the U.S. cases that awarded them those rights
According to Strayer University, the constitution guarantees inmates the following rights. One is the legal rights of due process, parole, not being racially discriminated against, speaking up, and protecting from prejudicial treatment. The second right to medical services facilitates their access to all forms of medical care, a one-on-one appointment with a medical professional, and receive mental health care. Also, have a fair hearing before being committed into a mental health facility and receive special accommodations as per the American Disabilities Act. Women also access safe abortions, give birth outside prison (1, p. 1-2).
The third right of religion ensures inmates practice their religion, access religious books and materials, pray, worship, and observe their Sabbath day. The fourth right to meals ensures they receive three meals every day, with one being hot, enjoyed in fifteen minutes or more. The right to communication enables inmates to communicate with people outside the prison through telephone calls or weekly visits for one hour, unlimited meetings with their lawyer, and access magazines, newspapers, and books. The rights to voting and recreation ensure non-convicted inmates can cast an absentee ballot and all inmates enjoy three-hour weekly exercise. The right to discipline protects them from cruelty and unfair punishment, inhumane living conditions, sexual violence, and physical abuse. Moreover, inmates can file complaints if their rights are violated (Strayer University,1, p. 2-3).
The United States' cases that awarded prisoners their rights include; Procunier v. Martinez 1974 protected inmates' right to free speech by allowing them to receive mail from outside prison unless it was for security purposes. Wolff v. McDonnell 1974 upheld prisoners' right to communication by allowing them to receive confidential correspondence from their lawyers. The Cooper v. Pate 1964 court case upheld the prisoners' right to religion by allowing Muslims to worship and fast. Cruiz v. Beto 1972 case facilitated the protection of the legal rights from discrimination based on race and religion. Johnson v. Avery 1969 upheld the prisoner's rights to complain if they had any grievances. Estelle v. Gamble 1976 supported the inmates' rights to discipline by protecting them from cruel and unusual punishment (2).
How inmates' rights impact correctional administration
Inmates' rights influence correctional administration by outlining the ethical framework they should observe. When a group of people holds considerable power over another group, abuse of power is likely to occur. The ethical flamework outlined by inmates' rights shapes the behavior of prison staff towards prisoners; a sense of ethics is enshrined throughout the system and an emphasis on observing the correct correctional processes at all tim...
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