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Understanding Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Weeks 7 and 8 explore linkages between the theory of terrorism and practical counterterrorism activities, including predicting the most likely directions terrorism will take in the future. Based on the material covered in Martin’s textbook and the articles available in the Supplementary Reading Packets: 1.Describe what can be done to counter terrorism other than overt military engagements. 2.Explain the challenges of each technique you describe. 3.Provide specific examples of real-world situations for each technique AND for each challenge you identify. Additional Guidelines: 1.Incorporate information from at least four modules across the course. 2.Your paper should include a title page, an abstract, no less than 8 pages of written text (1-inch margins, 12-point font, double-spaced), and a bibliography. 3.The body of your text will include an introduction stating the purpose of your paper, several well-formulated paragraphs of no less than five sentences with appropriate transition sentences between them, and a conclusion bringing your paper to an orderly close. 4.You must use your textbook and at least four articles from the Supplementary Reading Materials of any module in this course that you have not already used as primary sources for your paper. 5.Your entire paper – from the layout to the citations – must conform to APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The paper mainly focuses on terrorism and measures that should be taken to combat terrorism in various countries of the world. It has also mentioned some of the challenges surrounding each measure taken to curb terrorism which according to this paper is a global issue. Some of the terror activities that have occurred in the United States of America such as the 9/11 attack on the American Twin Towers have also been covered in depth. Syria’s status on terrorism has been uncovered as well. Through the information provided in this paper, I seek to sensitize the efforts of world leaders and international organizations such as the UN towards the reduction of terrorism gangs and their gruesome activities that are painted all over the world.
Terrorism has debatably been one of the significant issues of our time and era. It regularly makes the headlines, attacking and intimidating governments, ordinary citizens and private business. The Fight against terrorism can be a very cruel fight, one that could cause damage to a country, its citizens and the government as well. It has been one of the most imperative threats to security, stability, and peace in many countries around the world. Counter-terrorism is a technique, tactic or strategy that governments, police departments as well as militaries of a particular country undertake in reaction to any terrorist threats both imputed and real. Terrorist associations have become the tumor of free nations around the world, as their main aim is destruction of the critical organs of freedom and covering the global body with a deadly system. Despite the cruelty, misery and pain portrayed by engaging in counter terrorism, this fight is necessary as the other option would be to surrender (Maras, 2013)
Terrorist groups plan and implement their attacks so as to exploit their effect on the targeted nation. Suicide bombing seems to have become the weapon of preference for the modern terrorist as it includes all the necessary ingredients to achieve maximum destruction and effectiveness on the targeted state. Terrorist activities are diversified, from social activities, charity events to organized crime. Terrorism is therefore employed by rebels as a way to instill fear to the public so that they meet their objective. Terrorists suppose that if they cause some sort of panic they can compel people to fear them and in turn, have power over them. Combating terrorism is not a simple undertaking, and it cannot be done in one day, it is a lengthy struggle that can be pretty risky (Reed, 2012). One of the most vital things to do during the counter terrorism procedure is to understand the terrorist’s mindset and strategies so as to begin setting up procedures to stop them.
Evidently, terrorism is not a new occurrence; acts of terrorism have endangered and killed many innocent individuals throughout history. These acts have been carried out by both international and domestic terrorists who have endangered fundamental freedoms and critically prejudiced human stateliness. Domestic terrorists mainly operate within the jurisdiction of their host countries. Examples of such terrorists are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (from Colombia), Boko Haram (from Nigeria) and the Moroccan Islam Combatant Group (from Morocco).International terrorism entails brutal illegal operations that surpass national borders Examples are Mujahedine Khalq who extend beyond the Middle East, The Al Qaeda who engage in terrorism operating in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and even America (Malisow,2008)
Throughout the 20th century, the United States of America has experienced a myriad of outbursts in terrorism activities mounted by both Domestic and foreign groups. The extent of the cruelty experienced was professed as irrelevant and therefore terrorism was not defined as a key state security problem in the US. Scholars within the years have accused the USA of lacking an all-inclusive counterterrorism approach and a general accord regarding the meaning of the terrorism and its nature as well. This became evident in the morning of September 11; 2001.The atrocious attacks that day incurred a lot of pain and shock to the people of America. This occurrence immediately changed the national viewpoint on the threat of terrorism and toughened the government’s efforts to fight globally without compunction. Bush government instigates the most widespread counterterrorism mission in the history of the world; the main target being the Al-Qaeda under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden. A major development after the 9/11 attacks was the establishment of (DHS)Department of Homeland Security in July 2003 whose main assignment is to keep the American Homeland safe from any intimidation it faces, foreign or domestic as well as react to any natural disasters on American soil. The United States is therefore willing to lead in the fight against terrorism and terrorist groups by constantly ensuring that they have no place to hide, constricting their capacity and reducing their ability to exist in this groups.
The Syrian State continues to be seen as both an executor and a casualty of terrorism, it has continuously been categorized as a great sponsor and supporter of terrorism since the year 1979. Syria’s government supports the terrorist groups that have been listed by the US and continually allows some of these organizations to maintain their headquarters in their capital Damascus. A report indicated that the Syrian government actively supports the Lebanese Militia group Hezbollah and is covertly present in Lebanese politics as well. The report also links Syria with the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in the year 2005.Syria is a secular dictatorship state which has been accused of providing weapons, safe haven, training and logistical help to foreign terrorist groups ,it however argue that these groups represent lawful resistance as distinguished from terrorism (Mobley,2012). This state is in possession of weapons of mass obliteration and according to the US intelligence reports, it has a dynamic chemical weapons programme and that its research programs is trying to come up with deadly nerve agents. Syria has therefore been asked to establish where exactly it stands on the war against terrorism as it has a history of aiding terror groups.
Counter-terrorism strategies must be belligerent, using the dynamic of the hunt. It must completely dry out the marsh in which terrorists thrive the safe retreat in the world that give the terrorist groups the skill to pick up and expand new tactics. The lack of international co-operation among many countries is a pointless obstruction that is readily obscuring the battle against terrorism.
When intelligence is fully integrated into any counter terror activity, the operation is likely to be very successful. Strategic Counter intelligence, is a concept that has remained a relatively under developed concept in implementation. This is mainly because understanding the purpose and manner in which other states use their intelligence resources to gain advantage and mastering the capability to counter them would seem to bring out the other side of the strategic intelligence coin. It is however considered to be an intellectual discipline that embraces both the information gathered and activities conducted to counter foreign intelligence threats especially those connected to terrorist groups. Excellent intelligence compilation is therefore about talking to the right people so as to get the targeted inf...
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