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Transnational Crime in Germany and China

Essay Instructions:

Comparing Transnational Crime

For this assignment, you will select one transnational crime and two countries in order to research the similarities and differences in transnational crime between the two countries.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

*Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared.

*Compare and contrast both countries' definitions of the crime, crime rates, and tools used to measure the crime.

*Determine each country's legal traditions and their major influences on crime definition, rate, and measurement.

*Examine the extent to which crime statistics compiled in different countries can adequately be compared. Provide support for the response.

*Provide at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.

the two countries are Germany and china

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Transnational Crime
Institution Affiliation
Transnational Crime
Transnational organized crimes are crimes characterized by the desire to obtain power, money, influence, or commercial gain, wholly or partially illegal. These associations are highly characterized by the use of corruption mean to gain what they want. This paper will focus on transitional crimes in Germany and china. Germany is considered safe, but Berlin and Bremen often experience transitional crimes in which property crime, car theft, and burglaries account for the most transnational crimes. Further, in China, international crimes include:
* Trafficking in humans, arms, drugs, minerals, and wildlife.
* Production and trade of counterfeit goods.
* Fraud and extortion.
* Money laundering and cybercrime.
Transnational Crime in Germany
In Germany, transnational crime is characterized by clans crimes. According to the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crimes, Germany has a criminal score of 5.0 compared to the global score of 3.89, making it one of the largest criminal scores in western Europe ( Gerken, 2022). The crime gangs are characterized as Mafia-Style crime, in which they have a leader, known group, territorial boundaries, and identifiable membership. Their identification and activities are local and foreign groups comprising Italian, Russian, Eurasian, and clan organized crime groups. The clan's criminalities are characterized by money laundering and fraud, armed robbery, ATM bombing, organized crimes, and drug trafficking. In addition, these close-knit clan groups are represented by organized crimes and aggression toward the police. Further, the German tradition of criminal punishm...
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