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The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010

Essay Instructions:

The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010 With the passing of the P.P.A.C.A., the government has taken a step towards reshaping the U.S. health care system. In your paper, you should describe the key characteristics of the act, review some of the major historical developments that resulted in its passage, and explain the major influences that shaped its creation. In addition, you will compare and contrast information about the act from a popular lay media report (like a website or newspaper/magazine article) with other official information available from academic research and/or governmental sources. Based on what you read, you will take a position on what you think some of the biggest pros and cons of the act are. Finally, you should analyze how the act will affect the U.S. health care system in terms of cost, quality, access, and the provision of services. You must use the Ashford library to conduct the research necessary to complete this assignment. Prior to beginning this assignment, you are strongly encouraged to complete the Research Tutorial (specifically, units 2-3 and 5-8), which is available through the Ashford University Library. In a three to four page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference page), respond to the following: 1.Describe the purpose and history of the act. What issues in the U.S. health care system was the act intended to address? How did those issues develop historically? Provide examples that illustrate the historical development of the act. 2.Describe the key features of the P.P.A.C.A.? How will the act impact the U.S. health care system? 3.Compare and contrast the lay media report(s) with what scholarly sources say about the act. What do the popular lay media say about the P.P.A.C.A.? How do popular lay media reports compare to official (governmental or academic research) information available about the P.P.A.C.A.? 4.Describe your personal opinion about the act. What is your opinion about the P.P.A.C.A. overall? What do you believe are some of the pros and cons of the act? How did you develop that opinion? 5.Analyze the expected effect of the act in terms of cost, quality, access and the provision of services. Which features of the P.P.A.C.A. do you think will have the biggest effect (positive or negative) on our health care system? Your paper must utilize three sources, including one “lay” media source (like a website, television broadcast, or print media article) and two scholarly sources. One of the two scholarly sources must be obtained from an academic journal accessed through the Ashford Online Library and the other may be an academic reference or a governmental or professional website taken from the Health Care Administration Subject Guide (located in the Ashford Library). All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Date of Submission:
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Purpose of the Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was developed, and signed into law by President Obama in 2010. This is the reason why the act is at times called ObamaCare. It is critical that the act was intended to serve purposes such as providing healthcare services to all Americans, improve the quality of healthcare services and to contain the costs of healthcare services. It is notable that the aforementioned healthcare problems arose after the Medicare law was enacted because it is assumed that the law burdened the healthcare industry. According to Canna (2013), old people gained access to free medical services, yet the government could not afford to pay for the services. As a result, the cost of healthcare services increased making it inaccessible to all Americans. It also resulted in poor healthcare services because the old were receiving services the government could not afford.
History of the Act
The effects of Medicare made the American population shy away from implementing medical policies. In fact, Gruber (2011) argues that it was the second last successful medical law after PPACA despite the fact that that presidents unsuccessfully tried to sign medical laws for decades. For instance, republicans opposed President Bill Clinton who proposed a healthcare reform bill in 1993. Additionally, Ron Wyden and Bob Bennet presented the Healthy Americans Act in 2007, which was also unsuccessful. Nonetheless, Governor Mitt Romney successfully enacted an insurance expansion bill in the State of Massachusetts in 2006. In fact, the success recorded by Romney laid the foundation upon, which many presidential candidates formulated their policies. This owes to the reality that both President Obama and Hillary Clinton modified Mitt Romney’s idea and used it for their 2008 presidential campaign. It is the reason why PPACA was signed into law in 2010.
Key Features and Impact of the Act
PPACA is the most comprehensive insurance plans America has had for the last forty-five years (Gruber, 2011). PPACA has characteristics such as transforming the non-group insurance demand in the country and advocates that most residents possess health insurance plans. Additionally, the act subsidizes private insurance plans and expands public insurance plans significantly. It also reorganizes and reduces spending under Medicare in addition to raising revenues from taxing Americans. It follows that implementing the Act could transform the American healthcare system significantly. For instance, the Congressional Budget Office anticipates that the act will escalate health insurance plans to 32 million people. The same office also projects that the act is likely to increase government spending by $ 1 trillion in the coming decade (Canna, 2013). It follows that the act will increase accessibility of the healthcare system to many Americans owing to the 32 million people who will gain access to health insurance. Additionally, the reform will prevent hea...
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