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The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 4: The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Due Week 10 and worth 250 points

In the United States, a number of law enforcement agencies, including the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Homeland Security among others have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism.

Use the Internet or Strayer library to research articles on the efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat digital crimes and digital terrorism, as well as the roles of such agencies in the future of the combat in question.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1.Describe the overall impact (e.g., economic, social, etc.) of utilizing information technologies in combatting digital crime and digital terrorism.

2.Explain the existing challenges that result from the independent nature of the law enforcement agencies within the U.S. with regards to computer crimes and terrorism. Next, propose one (1) strategy that the U.S. could use in order to mitigate the challenges in question.

3.Explain the fundamental manner in which the U.S. could align the efforts of federal agencies in order to better protect the nation against digital crimes and terrorism.

4.Give your opinion of the key future trends in digital crime and digital terrorism. Next, provide one (1) overall strategy that the U.S. could use in order to combat digital crime and digital terrorism.

5.Use at least four (4) quality references for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Describe future trends in digital crime and terrorism.

•Describe law enforcement roles and responses.

•Explain the procedures in the investigation of computer-related crime.

•Describe the technologies and processes involved in digital forensics.

•Explain the ethical concerns that information technologies raise in society and the impact of information technologies on crime, terrorism, or war.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in information technology in criminal justice.

•Write clearly and concisely about information technology in criminal justice topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style convention.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism
Institutional Affiliation;
The advent of internet has in this current dispensation created a profound impact of businesses, individuals, the government and other users in communicating. Cyber terrorism has therefore emerged as one of the threats in the world today. The terroristic groups have increasingly turned out to computer savvy with some acquiring the ability to use cyber attacks to attack and disrupt US security infrastructures (Anbek, & Williams, 2014).
With the available help of hacker tools, these groups are in a position to launch nuisance attacks against the Internet connected systems. As cyber crime continues to substantially grow, many enterprises have realized the need to develop security measures that can provide safety to the internet users. This paper therefore seeks to determine how law enforcement agencies can take up roles in combating computer crimes and terrorism.
Impact of IT in Combating Digital Crime
It is essential to denote that Information Technology (IT) remains a fundamental element in the growth and development of a countries economy. Information technology, in essence, is a valuable asset for a state and any economic system since it redefines the manner in which several functions are conducted and communicated within a country including an organization (Anbek, & Williams, 2014). It is, therefore, essential to acknowledge the fact that the Internet and its global reach have opened up new opportunities that have enhanced the processes of business.
However, in spite of the new revolution brought by IT to the economic systems, adverse factors have also resulted. Through IT, criminals have found avenues to lodge their attacks of states and organization through cyber terrorism and crime. In the 21st century, the advancement in technology particularly in the areas of communication, weapons, computer systems, density scanners, brain wave sensors, vision enhancers among others has made it easier to manage the atrocities that accrue from digital crimes (Anbek, & Williams, 2014). The advancements in technology have supplied the police departments with efficient equipment that have significantly impacted the effectiveness and competence of law enforcement personnel. Scientists have also embarked on approaches aimed at developing decisive methods geared towards mitigating such crimes.
It is, therefore, crucial to determine that this scenario affects the economy of a nation since several funds are incorporated into reducing the challenges brought by digital crime. A nation is, therefore, likely to spend lots of its finances, a factor that reduces its liquidity. It is also essential to determine that digital crimes have also impacted the manner in which people socially interact in several ways (Choo, 2008). Today, several hackers have the capacity to hack into other accounts and manipulate whatever they want. This has negatively impacted social interactions in the world.
Challenges Facing the Law Enforcers
It is crucial to note that there are unique challenges that face the law enforcement teams in mitigating cyber crimes (Choo, 2008). These challenges include the imprecise nature of cyber crime. In this, it is critical to determine that an initial stage of cyber crime investigation revolves around a higher degree of uncertainty since it remains difficult for the law enforcers to identify and access the types of crime that are being committed.
An instance of this can be determined when the FBI receive complaints of a business experie...
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