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Supreme Court Case Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Research the U.S. Supreme Court case, Miranda vs. Arizona, paying particular attention to the transcript of the oral arguments.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word summary of the argument of the case. Include the following:

Briefly describe the facts of the case.

When was the case argued?

Which lawyers argued the case for each side?

Summarize the arguments of counsel regarding self-incrimination.

Why is the case significant with respect to the right to counsel and self-incrimination?

Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Supreme Court analysis
The Constitution of the U.S that was executed on September 17, 1787, started American’s national government and essential laws while ensuring particular main rights for its citizens. Below is an analysis of the landmark case Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S 436 (1996).
According to the case, Miranda was arrested while at his home and hence taken in custody towards a police station where he was determined through complaining witnesses. He was then passed through an interrogation by the two officers within a period of two hours, which led to sign a written confession. During a trial period, the oral and written confession were then presented to the jury. Miranda was found guilty of kidnapping as well as rape issues and was sentenced to 20-30 years imprisonment on each count. On appeal, the Supreme Court of Miranda held that Miranda’s constitutional rights were not violated in gaining the confession. The case was then argued in front of the U.S Supreme court from February 28th, 1966, and then was ruled on June 13,19966. The Supreme Court inverted the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Arizona. As Miranda’s conviction was inverted through the U.S Supreme Court, the State of Arizona retrieved him (Dressler,2017).
During the argument of the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision that written down by Chief Justice Earl Warren, the ruling was that the prosecution could not bring in Miranda’s confession as proof in a criminal trial since the police did not notify Miranda of his right towards the attorney and against personal – determination. The police duty to provide these warnings is bound through the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment which offers a criminal suspect the privilege to deny to witness over themselves, and Sixth Amendment, which ensured criminal defendant the right on the side of attorney.
The argument of the council concerning self-incrimination
The Court retained that the defendant’s right against self-incrimination has long been part of the Anglo-American law as an approach to align the vulnerability in...
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