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Chapter 6 Space Travel Review Essay. Law Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Ch. 6 Space Travel Review Questions 1. What problem did the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky theoretically solve in 1903? 2. Who was the American known as the “Solitary Genius”? What “first” did this rocket genius achieve? 3. Why were the German’s interested in rocketry in the 1930s? 4. Describe development of the German V-2 rocket and Peenemunde during WW2. 5. Why was Wernher Von Braun’s past kept secret after he came to the U.S.? 6. How did Laika achieve fame in 1957? 7. Describe Sputnick 1’s effect on the U.S. government leadership and military leadership. 8. What were the qualifications for the Mercury 7 astronauts? 9. Describe the “Dawn of Manned Space Flight” era. 10. What was the name of the chimpanzee who made successful space flight for the U.S. on January 31, 1961? 11. What did President John F. Kennedy in his May 25, 1961 speech to Congress propose? 12. What was the longest flight under the Mercury program piloted by __________ May, 1963? 13. What was the purpose of the Gemini Missions? 14. Explain NASA’s “lunar orbit rendezvous plan.” What was the advantage of this plan? 15. Explain in detail the logistics of the effort to put man on the moon. 16. What was the chief difference between the Soviet plan for a manned Moon landing and its American equilvalent? 17. Describe the end of the Apollo program in 1972, what was the mood and feelings of most Americans at it’s end? 18. Explain the Apollo-Soyuz project in 1975. 19. Explain the Space Shuttle program from 1981 to 2011. 20. Why did the Challenger crash in January, 1986 and the Columbia in February, 2003?  

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Space travel review
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Q.1Konstantin Tsiolkovsky solved how to explore outer space by use of rockets, fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
Q.2The solitary American genius was Robert Goddard, celebrated for his immense contribution to rocketry. He is famed for initiating the first liquid-fuel rocket that broke the sound barrier.
Q.3The Germans were interested in rocketry in the 1930s to explore space before other countries.
Q.4In 1942, October 3rd, Wernher von Braun, a German rocket scientist, fired the V-2 missile from the island of Peenemunde. The rocket, which traveled 118 miles, was deadly in war and one of its kind in ballistic missiles. Braun had worked on it since the 1930s, and with three failed launc...
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