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Social Structure Theory

Essay Instructions:
Social Structure Theory Paper Social structure theories view societal, financial, and social arrangements or structures as the primary cause of deviant and criminal behaviors. After choosing one video for this assignment, address the main topic inherent in the video using a social structure theory framework. Address the key bulleted items outlined in the directions and explain how and why the content of your video may be appropriately acknowledged and studied using a social structure theoretical application. Select one video that supports a social structure theory addresses the following: - How does the video you selected support a social structure theory? - What is the primary subject or content of the video? - What social issues are raised in the video? - What major principles of sociological theory are addressed in the video? - What might be some possible ramifications for social policy change? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. http://digital(dot)films(dot)com/play/88QJLJ# Use this link and choose the video “Prostitution Among Immigration Routes” on the right side of the page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
"Prostitution Among Immigration Routes" Name Institution Date "Prostitution Among Immigration Routes" The United States of America and Mexico boarders each other. However, the economies of these two countries are far much different. The United States is regarded is one of the super powers while on the other hand, Mexico is regarded as one of the countries with high crime rate and poverty levels. The difference in the situations of the two countries` economies has seen so many illegal immigrants try to cross the US border from Mexico in pursuit of employment opportunities. According to social structure theories, a disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime. Neighborhoods categorized as law class create forces of disorganization and strain within themselves that create crime. The poor economic situations and lack of jobs in Mexico has forced many immigrants to risk their lives crossing Sonora desert into the US. The immigrants believe that America offers a better place than their country of birth. The immigrants journey into America has many challenges and in the process criminal activities. Economic strains within the society increase the peoples` desire to seek better livelihoods in neighboring and other countries. In our case study, there is evidence of desperation and frustrations. Women are ready to do anything within their reach to enable them get into America. There is usually more than one factor in play when one is influenced to commit crime as a result of interactions within an imposed economic class. The assertions of social structure theories may appear weak as one may succumb to these pressures and still choose a lawful path of actions CITATION lin01 \l 1033 (lin, 2001). The video "Prostitution Among Immigration Routes", supports social structure theories in that, it is as a result of the organization of society (economic organization) that immigrants are ready to do anything possible to get into America. A...
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