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Social Organized Crime Perspective

Essay Instructions:

Write an 800 word paper in which you discuss and explain the term social institution, as it applies to organized crime. Which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Social Institution as it Applies to Organized Crime
Institutional Affiliations
Social Institution as it Applies to Organized Crime
In late 20th and early 21st centuries, there were and have been an increase in the development of crime in the community. The modern society is being affected by the rise and increase in major crimes in the community. As a result, different aspects of maintaining law and order have been developed to offer supportive research in the field of crime. Although many scholars and researchers have been employed, the immerse research on the field of organized crime has defined many theories and issues of crime, (Whiting, 2013). Therefore, among the many findings is the establishment of social institution as one of the major sources and influences of organized crime. This introduces the perspective of maintaining and forming crime in the community and society.
Social Institution
Social Institution is a group of people or a society that has a common goal of attaining it many goals and agendas. Therefore, the formation of these many groups underlines the basis and foundation of forming a relevant community that has a mission. In the modern community, social institutions can range from one perspective to another. For example in the community, there are learning institutions and education centers. These many centers are essential in developing a society that has a common agenda, education and knowledge. In organized crime, there are different situations and concepts that many people have been responsible in offering and establishing, (Andersen &Taylor, 2008). As a result, there is the need of creating a means of supporting and offering the same goals in the community. Therefore, through the perspective of social institutions, different communities and societies are formed, either with the means of creating a distinctive mission or vision in the society. Furthermore, there this is a means of bringing together a certain group of people in the community, with a common goal or character.
Social Institution and Organized Crime
Since a community is an association or a compound of many smaller social ties or units, there is an essence of social institutions developing in different aspects. In the community and modern society, there is a rise of different social institutions that are oriented in making profit or attaining power. Thus, a formation of these social institutions gives rise into the formation of different organized crime organizations. This is important in defining the formation of different crime related in the community, (Whiting, 2013). As a factor that adds into the formation or instigation of crime, there are leadership clauses and rules that are formed in the governance of crime in the society.
Consequently, an organized crime community or society is defined by a certain geographical or l...
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