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Role as a progressive law enforcement executive

Essay Instructions:
Utilize the information from the chapter to submit a page paper on subcultures and your role as a progressive law enforcement executive to avoid.
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Role as a progressive law enforcement executive Name: Institution: Course: Course Instructor: Date Due: With the industrialization taking place in the globe and the diversification of the society, there has been a felt need to form a law enforcement organ in the society to embark on effective law enforcement despite the social economic and religious beliefs. Thus hiring such personnel to enforce the law continues to be an area of concern globally. Many law enforcement agencies find it difficult to find qualified applicants hence scarcity arises. Though this crisis may be caused by economic situation affecting a firm, the changing societal and demographic treads may be a core cause. Moreover, the recruitment of women in such agencies especially in the United States of America has not been a recent issue. A presidential crime commission on crime matters recommended hiring and promotion of the minorities in the society as early as 1967. Most cares in the cities of the United States of America has been associated with poor representation of minorities especially the blacks. The commissions formed to follow these riots have noted the racism and bias among the hiring bodies of the police departments. The commission proposed measures to improve the hiring and promotion processes to include the minority groups in the police force. Over the last decades, there has been tremendous recruitment of police force in the United States. This may be due to the pressure by the minority to be part of the law enforcement agencies. These changes include the adding-up difficulty to get qualified candidates. This may be due to economic change buts also the irreversible societal changes in the 21st century. Due to the good economic environment enjoyed by United States of America between 1990 and 2000, the employment market expanded and major firms sprouted up. Due to the fear of critique from the other nations in the world, recruitment of most talented minority groups especially women started. This was basically in the service industry among other industries. Holding of employees especially with experience became a common practice in all sectors. In addition, the problems associated with holding workers emerged. Small law enforcement firms lost their employees to larger firms driven by better benefits given by large firms. Crisis in recruitment started with competing effort of every firm trying to get the best candidates from the small pool of qualified candidates. At this mom...
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