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Research Article Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized peer-reviewed professional journal or government publication. Note. Non-peer-reviewed newspaper articles or articles from popular magazines, such as Time or Newsweek, are not acceptable. For assistance on determining what constitutes a professional peer-reviewed resource, contact your facilitator. Write a 1,375- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following: • Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions. • Describe the design of the study. • Identify an operational definition used by the researchers. • Provide one example of inductive logic and one example of deductive logic presented in the results. • Identify whether the research study is a quantitative or qualitative design. Explain your answer. • Identify the methodology, population, sampling methods, and return rate, if applicable. • What were the findings of the study? • Describe the author’s conclusions and recommendations. • In your opinion, could the study have been done differently or improved? Detail your response

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Research Analysis

According to the research by Sells, Early and Smith (2011) adolescents are prone to a lot of dysfunctional behaviours in the community and among them is crime. Specifically the research found out that most of the adolescents who are involved in delinquentbehaviour, with characteristics such as conduct disorder and opposition do so because they have dysfunctional parenting. At the onset of adolescence, most of the children are drawn to peer-pressure and can easily be lost of crime if the parents are not careful enough. This is the age where the child is experiencing a lot of hormonal imbalance and they tend to very impulsive in most of the activities that they are involved in. parenting behaviours such a rejection, poor supervision, inconsistent discipline and harsh treatment may push the adolescents into developing behaviours that are related to conduct disorders and opposition. As such the authors, have come up with research, to try and identify the various ways in which the Parenting with love and limits model would assist the parents and the adolescents to address the issue of delinquency. With reference to the findings, the group of parents and adolescents that participated in the program had reduced incidences of depression, aggression, attention deficit disorder issues and low dropout cases.
According to the study there are four problems that the approach has encountered in the past, where the family engagement is concerned. One of the obstacles has been the fact that there is no seamless integration between the groups, families and the individuals. As such, most of the parents get to learn new skills to handle their delinquent youths but fail to deliver the first time they try. This leads to a drop in their faith with regard to the program.
Secondly it is common to find that most of the parents may recent joining the groups as they blame their adolescent children for getting involved with the justice system. Majority of these parents feel that their children should not drag them into problems that hey created on their own. As such they may not agree to the initiation into the program, which leaves their children in more problems and render the program ineffective.
Thirdly, there is the issue of iatrogenic effects. This relates to the fact that the adolescents with the delinquent behaviours may interact and reinforce their habits. This is self-defeating as the program is designed to reduce the effects, but may end up reinforcing the same.Finally there has not been enough research in the area dealing with the group therapies which would be tied to the treatment fidelity. This would work to improve the fidelity of the studies and the findings in the field of group therapies. As such the sole question of the study is on how best to engage the parents and the delinquent adolescents in the group therapies in a bid to make sure that the correction of the latter is a group effort (Sells,Early, & Smith, 2011).
This research applied the experimental design to evaluate the subject matter. This is a design that relies on randomised assignments, where control groups and the experimental groups are introduced. This design has been recognised for the best valid results in the experiments, by researchers. The experimental groups are exposed to the subject matter while the control groups are kept neutral. As such the latter provide the researcher with a reference point, while the experimental groups give the varied results after exposure to the subject tests. This way the researcher can compare the various experimental groups to the control groups and make measures of the discrepancies, which is an indication of the reaction to the tests.
In the study, adolescents from the Georgia juvenile court system were selected and involved in the study. The selection criteria leaned on the juveniles that had conduct disorder and oppositional defiance. The study managed to select 38 adolescents and their families, all of whom were allocated randomly to the control and the PLL groups. In the control group were 19 adolescents and their families, while the treatment had 19 families and their adolescent children, all of whom took part in the six weeks study. The age of the children involved ranged from 12 to 17 years and the average age was 15 years.
The control group received the probation services that are customary, such as the community schools, counselling as well as community services. This was after the random matchingthat was based on the offense, socioeconomics, age and gender for both groups.From the analysis of the entire participants, the African Americans were the highest in number as they were 82%; the Caucasians came in second with 12%, while the Hispanics came in last with just 1% of the total.In the entire group of adolescents, the males accounted for more than 57% while the rest were females. The treatment group was taken through role playing classes.
The groups would be organised into sm...
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