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Reentry in Corrections

Essay Instructions:


For this project, you’ll compose a three-to-five page research paper titled, “Reentry in Corrections.” In your paper, you’ll research three reentry programs and evaluate them given the knowledge you’ve gained from this course, including risk of recidivism, reentry and parole methods and statistics, and goals of reentry. You’ll summarize the goals of each program, and you’ll draw your research from at least three reputable sources in addition to the websites of the three programs (links to the websites are found in the next step). Examples of scholarly sources might include the Department of Justice, the American Probation and Parole Association, and academic and/or newspaper articles.

Follow the steps listed below to write your research paper.

Step 1—Visit the Programs

Visit the websites of the following three reentry programs:

Federal Prison Industries/UNICOR


Safer Foundation


Prison University Project at San Quentin


When reviewing these programs, be sure to look closely at their mission statements, goals, events, statistics, and how they benefit both prisoners and the community.

Step 2—Evaluate

Once you’re familiar with each program, dig deeper into how each adheres to the goals of reentry discussed in your course. These goals are:

To protect and prepare—Providing counseling, substance abuse help, job training, and so on

To control and restore—Offering post-release services to smooth the individual’s transition

To sustain and support—Offering long-term support through social service agencies and community-based organizations after parole is completed

Evaluate the services offered by each of the three programs to see which goals of reentry they include and which they lack, if any. While evaluating these programs, ask questions such as the following:

What are the conditions commonly attached to the programs’ supervision?

What are the responsibilities of the probation officer and leaders of the reentry program?

How, if at all, is the community involved in the reintegration of the offender?

How is each program specifically designed to affect recidivism and benefit both the inmates and the general public?

Step 3—Research

Your next step will be to supplement your initial evaluation with research regarding the three programs listed in the previous section and similar programs in the field. For work experience services, for example, research facts such as the average rate inmates are paid in other work programs, what types of jobs are offered, and how work programs affect recidivism rates. For education services, research the types of education services offered in other programs, how many inmates enroll in and complete such programs, and how many inmates go on to find work after serving their sentences.

Remember: your goal is to go beyond the first impression of the program and form a critical analysis of whether or not the program is effective within the goals of reentry. As stated at the beginning of this section, at least three reputable sources are required.

Step 4—Write Your Paper

With a clear understanding of each of the three reentry programs and your research in hand, it’s time to start writing. Organize your paper according to the following general outline.

First Paragraph—Introduction

In your introduction, aim to engage the reader in the topic of reentry. Use an interesting statistic or fact you learned in your research, and give a brief summary of reentry and its goals.

Body Paragraphs—Summaries and Evaluations

In the body of your paper, dedicate two to three paragraphs each to summarizing and evaluating each of the three programs. In your summary, explain the program as if the reader has only a basic understanding of the field of corrections. Include as many details as you can find about each program.

Your evaluations should contain your research as well as an analysis of the perceived effectiveness of each program. After researching more in depth, do you think each program would be effective as designed? Why or why not? How, if at all, can each be improved?


In your final paragraph, compose a general statement that effectively summarizes your body paragraphs. What type of program did you find to be most effective in your research? Which program that you researched do you think would work best, and why? Or, do you feel that any of these programs could be used together with another program to provide a better reentry plan?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reentry in Corrections
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Reentry in Corrections
Reentry is when individuals end the state of incarceration, leave jail or prison and return to society. It is a transition from being an inmate or not enjoying the freedom to returning to the original state and position in the community before the individual was convicted. Statistical research indicates that approximately 100,000 individuals are freed from jail and prison and reenter their neighborhoods in Chicago yearly (Guidestar.org, 2022). The number is more when the whole country becomes the subject of the study. This indicates that reentry is such a necessary process, and it is worth talking about. The transition from the state of being an inmate proves to be challenging to most of the inmates (Miller et al. 2019). In that case, governments and other organizations have developed programs to ensure the inmates' smooth transition back to society from jails or prisons. The organizations conduct reentry training with the objectives of firstly protecting and preparing the ex-inmates through help from drug influence, guiding and counseling, and providing job training to the individuals. The second objective is to control and restore through delivering services to ensure individuals' smooth transition. The last goal of reentry is to sustain and support through social services and other community-based organizations immediately after the individual's parole ends. The Mount Tamalpais College, Safe Foundation, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons are examples of reentry programs that ensure successful reentry.
Mount Tamalpais College
Mount Tamalpais College is an entry program that aims to provide academic training inclusive Associate of Arts program and college education for individuals at San Quentin State Prison. From this perspective, the program serves the first goal of reentry by providing training to them. The college gives the inmates a chance to have a higher education, thus fostering civic engagement, freedom of expression, and promoting equity. This program acknowledges how lack of education and relevant skills contribute to growing crime rates and the rate of recidivism. The college is known to operate under the guidance of values such as excellence, human dignity, independence, critical thinking, opportunity and access, and an avenue for respective dialog. All of the values mentioned above are instilled in the minds of the inmates through the provision of higher education to them. In 1994, legislation barred inmates from access to higher education by blocking them from receiving Pell Grants (Mount Tamalpais College, 2022). The Mount Tamalpais College facility has given the inmates a second chance to find higher education.
The program offers an associate degree program due in two years. The courses are taught within the premises of the prison. Instructors in this program are volunteers, primarily graduate students and faculty members, and instructors coming from neighboring San Francisco colleges and universities. The inmates and other stakeholders cite that the program effectively ensures that the inmates become more productive community members upon reentry. The program engages the inmates in the facility and thus limits their engagement in harmful activities such as drug abuse. The only service missing from the program is incorporating social services and offering chances to participate in community-based organizational activities for practical inmate parole completion. While education and skill level matter when it comes to recidivism, the inmates' social skills and mental welfare play a crucial role in their reentry into society. Otherwise, the program is more effective, and it ensures that the quality of the inmates' intellectual capabilities is improved.
The Federal Bureau of Prison presents UNICOR as the second reentry program. The federal government wholly owns the correctional facility, and it is just the trade name for Federal Prison Industries(FPI). The FPI was established in 1934 by Congress to protect society and reduce crime through successfully preparing inmates for smooth reentry(Bop.gov. 2022). The program prepares the inmates by conducting job training and engaging them during their incarceration. The program does not get funding from the federal government as it is self-sustaining. Despite being ...
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