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Intellectual Propoerty: Copyright Protection Laws for Pantomime Acts

Essay Instructions:

In a Word document, respond to the following questions in essay format.
Claudette Nouvelle has created a completely new and original pantomime act. She just created it by performing it one day. She has never written anything down. She is looking to get an agent, but in the meantime has been performing this new work on the streets of New York to rave reviews from the passersby. Martine Marceau, granddaughter of the famous Marcel Marceau, witnessed the performance on two occasions and has decided to perform the pantomime in her new act. She is performing in an off-Broadway theater and has filmed her performance of this pantomime and has called it “The Streets of New York,” by Martine Marceau. Name and explain the three (3) basic requirements for copyrightability and determine if Claudette has a copyright in this pantomime? Determine if Martine has a copyright in this pantomime? Last, what values do you believe are being promoted by copyright protection laws?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Copyright Protection Laws for Pantomime Acts In the same way that home owners are granted full possession with no reservation of their properties, the copyright law provides an author the full control of how their work is reproduces, displayed or performed. Its main goal is to give “financial and moral encouragement to authors to invest time and effort in creating new works” (Catron, 2016). In order for a work to be copyrighted, it must have at least two components: it must be a creative work, it has to be “fixed in a tangible medium of expression” (U.S. Copyright Office, 2016). While there has been a widespread debate on the definition of “creative work”, Claudette Nouvelle’s work is definitely eligible for copyright because Chapter 1 of the US Copyright law has explicitly included it as a category for authorship. Moreover, while Claudette has never written anything down, she has definitely fixed her act in a tangible form by performing it. And as the Copyright office says in its Circular No. 1 (2012), “[A] work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device”. The concept of the act is copyrighted, but it is important to look at how the act was performed since this is a pantomime which has choreography as an important component. If Martine performed the act differently from Claudette, she can claim that the work is her own, unless of course she explicitly admits to copying the work without permission. But even if Martine admits to copying the act, Claudette cannot file an infringement lawsuit ...
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