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Assignment Choice #1: Organization of Unions Research

Essay Instructions:

This is a two-part assignment where you are expected to address Parts 1 and 2 in one well-written essay.
Part 1:
Explain and respond to the following statement: “It is not the union that organizes the employees; it is management.” In your essay, craft responses that a union organizer might make to some of the following statements from the Labor Relations in Action feature shown below:
Labor Relations in Action 
Objections to Joining the Union
"Why should I join the union when I get exactly the same wages and benefits without joining?"
"I can't afford to join. I've got a family to support, and my check just isn't big enough (to cover union dues)."
"I don't need a union. My employer is fair and will take care of me. What could the union get for me that I wouldn't have gotten anyway?"
"The union does not do anything for you [grievances are not settled satisfactorily]. I don't like the people who are running things in the union."
"I don't know enough about the local or the union movement."
"I'm not interested. I just don't want to join."
"I'll think about it. Maybe I'll join someday."
Source: Organizing Committee, AFSCME Council 24, WSEU, 5 Odana Court, Madison, Wisconsin.
Part 2:
In light of your response to the first part of this assignment, critically evaluate the arguments for and against the Employee Free Choice Act and the Mandatory Secret Ballot Protection Act. How would you vote? Provide your reasons.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organization of Unions
Institutional Affiliation:
Organization of Unions
Part 1
The management of an organization forces their staff to opt to form, join or support a union. The formation of unions in most cases arises because the employer does not address the issues of the employees properly. The unhappiness, discomfort, alienation, and absence of proper interrelationships lead to the resort to unionize. If an employer has good intentions, is honest, and decently interacts with and treats the workers, then it is less likely that they will join, form or support a union (Daud & Tumin, 2013). The lack of loyalty and trust between the workers and the management serves to create the need for the employees to seek support from union organizers. The combination of efforts in a group helps them voice their problems efficiently unlike when they handle the issues individually. Through the development of an association, it is possible to negotiate wages, contracts, and working conditions among other concerns of the employee.
The participation of the workers in a union presents both benefits and challenges. The labor organization allows the employees to voice their issues and seek solutions without the fear of reprisals and penalties. The protection by the various labor relations acts ensures that employers respect these rights. However, the union members are often on the line during a labor dispute and sometimes have to forego pay to fight for their demands. In spite of these problems, joining a union provides the workers with a stronger bargaining power. If every employee participated in the union, then it will be possible to negotiate for further wage increment. The more non-members in the organization, they hold back the union from fighting for improvement in working conditions and payments.
Additionally, it pays for an employee to join a union because this enables job security, the opportunity for enhanced benefits, and increased wages. The cost of becoming a member is hence incomparable to what a worker stands to gain from the union. The employee owes this to themselves and to their families to get a better life. The retaining of the non-member status only serves to keep one with what the employer provides and no chance to demand what they want. Also, unions have been on the forefront championing for the employee rights and hence the fair treatment that non-members get arises from these efforts. Moreover, there is a possibility of the management to change their treatment or a grievance occurs that will place the worker in a disadvantaged position. A union ensures that the employee is protected in such situations through the utilization of the rights assured by law.
Furthermore, even though at times unions do not manage to address all grievances satisfactorily, numerous victories that have been realized. The joining of the union can improve the bargaining strength and hence achieve more success in negotiating for their working conditions and wages. Also, being a member presents the employee with an opportunity to offer their suggestions on the things that they think are not running well. Additionally, through this, the worker gets the chance to understand more about the union and ways that they can participate in advancing their objectives. Finally, no employee can be affected by the union activities; the negotiations benefit every personnel in the organizations. For this reason, all employees should be motivated to be part of the group to bargain for benefits, contracts, and pay among other issues.
Part 2
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) seeks to change the labor-management relations landscape giving the unions more powers. The proposed act entails the amendment of the current NLRA principles including the elimination of employees’ secret-ballot elections and replacing this with card-checks....
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