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Researching The Novelty Of Your Ideas: Inventions

Essay Instructions:

Part 1:

For your invention to be deemed novel, it must have a different attribute or attributes than other existing inventions. Next week, we will be researching prior art in the forms of other patents; but for this assignment, research if any of your three invention ideas have been attempted or already exist. Don’t be surprised if someone else has already thought of your idea. For each of your three invention ideas, please write a paragraph (at least 200 words) detailing if you found out that your idea is novel or not. If it is novel, is it similar to other inventions? Which attributes of your idea make it novel? If it is not novel, can you think of other attributes that you could add to your invention to make it novel? Be aware that for your provisional patent application to be successful, your idea should be novel. If all of your ideas already exist and cannot be improved upon by changing an attribute, please suggest another novel concept for an invention.

Length: 3-5 pages not including title and reference pages

References: At least 4

Part 2:

Find a patent that is relevant to your own dissertation research. If you have not picked a topic yet, find a patent in the field in which you are interested in doing your research. Identify what information from the patent could be beneficial to your research. Consider looking into any referenced prior art as well.

In addition, conduct a search of scholarly articles related to your research topic. Do any of the articles you found suggest a similar technology to one or more of the patents you proposed? Please write a short paragraph (approximately 200 words) describing any related technology to your proposed patents. If none exist, please describe any technology discovered relevant to your dissertation topic. Please provide references to articles noted during your research.

Length 1-2 pages not including title and reference pages.

References: At least 4

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Researching The Novelty Of Your Ideas Name Institution Affiliation Researching the Novelty of My Ideas The world is growing rapidly and changing and this has necessitated developments in various disciplines that are aimed to improve people’s lives and make life simpler and easier. Each day people are inventing and innovating new ideas and ways of doing things while also modifying existing ways (Liu & Chang, 2015). In addition, these innovations involve developing new products and or processes to the market, firm or industry and hence it’s both a process and an outcome. One major aspect of innovation is the degree of novelty and originality in the product and process. As a result innovations require identifying customer needs, having competent people who know their way around relevant technology and sourcing for financial aid that will fast truck the concepts into reality. “Necessity is the mother of invention” and with this in mind the paper will examine three invention ideas that would definitely make the world a better place. These inventions combine simple products used in everyday life into original convenient combinations. The first invention involves having inbuilt chargers on mobile phones which are devices that have revolutionalised communication in the world today (Arts & Veugelers, 2013). Studies show that nine out of ten people own a mobile phone or two and began using them from very early ages. Gone are the days of phone booths and land lines that required one to walk for long distances to make or receive calls. Mobile phone companies are developing and enhancing their different brands on a daily basis to ensure that they are convenient for all to use. These communication gadgets have become very addictive and have completely destroyed interpersonal relationships as people are always on their phones. A mobile phone is the first thing most people reach out for when they wake up and the last thing they put away before they go to sleep. Most mobile phones are also built with various applications such as cameras, games, email, social media platforms like Facebook and twitter and as a result many people use them for work related purposes. Despite their vast benefits, these gadgets have limited battery lives and require to be charged quite often depending on one’s consumption which forces people to walk around with their phone chargers. However, it is quite easy to forget the charger which would mean that the phone would go off. The invention will have a charger pin unit inbuilt in a mobile phone and which can be plugged directly into charging sockets. The invention is completely original and will be greatly beneficial to the people in the nature of forgetting their chargers and those who use their mobile phones most of the time. It is a novel innovation because no mobile phone company has embraced it and most prefer offering their clients external power banks that they can use but which also are easily forgotten. The other invention is intended to address the accidental deaths of people but mostly children and pets from suffocation after being locked inside cars (McCann, 2011). Research has shown many people lose their lives each month from low oxygen levels when they accidentally fall asleep inside their cars. Also, many perish when carbon dioxide levels rise inside their cars without their knowledge and hence they are not able to open their doors or windows in time. The invention will therefore involve developing a system that automatically detects the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a closed car. When the oxygen levels drop and the carbon dioxide levels rise the system will immediately open the car windows to correct the situation and by so doing save the lives of the occupants in the car. A gadget with the system can be placed on the cars dashboard or inbuilt in the car air conditioner system. It works on the same principle as the smoke detector in buildings that automatically switches on the water sprinklers on the slightest detection of smoke that mostly signify a fire. It is however an original idea that would greatly reduce the accidental suffocations in closed cars. The same concept can also be embraced in homes and schools to help prevent deaths from accidental suffocation from inhalation of smoke when sleeping. The other invention involves developing wheelchairs for the disabled people that can be easily converted into crutches when on...
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