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Money Laundering Crimes in Japan and Germany

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will select one transnational crime and two countries ( Japan and Germany) to research the similarities and differences in transnational crime between the two countries. Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:
*Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared.
*Compare and contrast both countries' definitions of crime, crime rates, and tools used to measure the crime.
*Determine each country's legal traditions and their major influences on crime definition, rate, and measurement.
*Examine the extent to which crime statistics compiled in different countries can be adequately compared. Provide support for the response.
*Provide at least three quality references.

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Comparing Transnational Crime
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Comparing Transnational Crime
Generally, transnational crimes are characterized by violations of law involving two or more countries based on how they are planned, executed, and their impacts. Some examples of transnational crime include counterweighting, firearm trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking, and drug trafficking (Kirkptrick et al., 2021). More emphasis will be laid on the money laundering crimes in Japan and Germany in this paper. Moreover, the analysis will be conducted based on the similarities and differences between money laundering cases in both countries. In addition, the crime rates and specific tools used in evaluating this transnational crime will be highlighted.
Money laundering is the illegal process by which large amounts of money from illegal activities are converted to make it look like it is being generated from a legitimate source. The illegal activities that generate this kind of money include criminal undertakings such as drug trafficking and weapon smuggling. In Japan, for example, money laundering is described as the process by which the illegal source of criminal proceeds is concealed to avoid arrest and detection from the probing sources (Barone et al., 2022). Money laundering in Japan is criminalized under the Anti-Drug Special Provisions Law and the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes.
Based on a report released by the Japanese police in 2021, there has been an increase in money laundering cases linked to using particular bank accounts by several international criminal networks. According to the report, money laundering cases rose by 40% within the last three years (Kirkptrick et al., 2021). Moreover, in Japan, money laundering is measured using surveys carried out by experts and law enforcement agents. Furthermore, the use of police files is also another method used to estimate the money laundering rates in the country.
Alternatively, money laundering in Germany is characterized as the process by which money and other assets noted to be proceeds from criminal activity are procured, disguised, and concealed to make them leg...
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