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Letter to Family Outlining the Fundamentals of the U.S. Government

Essay Instructions:

Letter to Family
You are a recent immigrant who has moved to the United States to attend a U.S. university. Your family has never been to the United States, and you are excited to tell them all about it, in particular the fundamentals of the U.S. government you are learning about in one of your courses.
Compose a 3-page letter to your family in which you outline the fundamentals of the U.S. government. Be sure to include the following:
Briefly explain the Constitution and its purpose with relevant and factual information.
Briefly explain 2 American ideals (e.g., democracy, liberty, equality, justice, freedom, or opportunity). Your explanation should include a definition of the ideals and your understanding of what those ideals mean to the average U.S. citizen.
Locate the current event (from within the last 6 months) that you selected in the Searching for Current Events About American Ideals activity in Week 4. Explain how it serves as an example of 1 of the 2 ideals you selected.
Explain how a constitutional liberty that has personally benefited or impacted you as a student or a citizen in the United States. Provide 2 or more specific and relevant examples.
For example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. Title VII also applies to private and public colleges and universities, employment agencies, and labor organizations. So if you chose this one, in your letter you would identify this constitutional liberty and how it applies to you specifically, and you would provide 2 or more specific and relevant examples.
Cite your current event and any other sources you used following the Strayer Writing Standards format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dear Family,
My Stay in America So Far
Hello guys. How are you doing over there? Has Tumiso learned how to make his bed yet? Well, I had to ask that. Hi Tumiso, I hope you understand that I was only kidding.
Guys, my stay over here has everything we ever thought the U.S. would be. People mind their business, and no one is on your case or questions your decisions, no matter how stupid and weird they may be. The idea of a free country is indeed being practiced here every day. In school, for example, students have a lot of power over their teachers. I have heard of cases where teachers have either been suspended or even sued for doing some things to students. The U.S. government is clear on protecting its citizens’ rights and does so with a lot of dedication.
First, let me share a little about the constitution of the U.S. I know that the constitution we have at home is almost ceremonial because of the many instances it has been exploited and sidelined. Here, however, the constitution is upheld to the letter. Every single detail in the constitution means something. Also, the citizens know about their rights and understand how the constitution protects them and allows them to do certain things. For example, the famous Second Amendment allows people to own and carry guns. It states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of the free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Cornell Law School, 2021). People abide by this amendment and own guns. Furthermore, you can even walk into a store and buy a gun. Well, it is not that easy because you have to prove that you are of sound mind among other issues. However, the constitution here is powerful and lays the foundation for everything else.
The media has a way of painting a darker picture of a place than it truly is, and this is true for the U.S. For example, during the George Floyd demonstrations, we saw how the media portrayed the U.S. as a country that ignores the plight of minorities. Well, to a certain extent, this is true, and because it is systemic, one may not easily get wind of such instances. However, the ideals of the country, like freedom and opportunity, are real. Freedom here means being able to live your life without anyone or any law having power over your decisions. People here are empowered, and even LGBTQs, who are still frowned upon back there, get to lead free lives. People do not mind if a man is holding another man’s hand in the streets or even kissing another man. Americans believe they are free, and they lead lives that show...
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