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Leadership Personnel Issues and the Rules of Law

Essay Instructions:

Crj 310

For this assignment, keep in mind that for law enforcement agencies to be successful in the future, it is more important than ever for municipalities and departments to identify, recruit, and employ a well-trained and professional police force. From making arrests to using proper force, to understanding technological devices, to dealing with individuals with mental issues, police officers are increasingly performing many different roles. And in their efforts to provide its citizens with a properly trained and professional police force, municipalities need to know that officers are adhering to their training and operating under established policies and procedures.

Write a 6–8 page paper in which you answer the following questions:

1.) Identify the best practices being employed by law enforcement agencies in the United States to attract and hire those candidates who will be successful in meeting the demands of police officers in the changing future.

2.) Identify the skills that need to be imparted upon recruits during their training in order for them to be successful in all roles of law enforcement. What additional training and/or changes would you recommend?

3.) Identify how police academies are preparing police recruits for the various duties and assignments that they will be responsible for in turbulent and changing conditions.

4.) Identify five constraints placed on police officers and examine how these constraints affect how officers conduct their operations and perform their duties.

5.) Identify best practices used by police supervisors to ensure that officers are performing professionally and within department guidelines. Also identify best practices utilized by supervisors when officers are found to be in violation of their oath, training, and organizational rules.

This assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references should follow the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Personnel Issues and the Rules of Law
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Leadership Personnel Issues and the Rules of Law
Identify the best practices being employed by law enforcement agencies in the United States to attract and hire those candidates who will be successful in meeting the demands of police officers in the changing future.
Law enforcement agencies in the United States use several strategies in recruiting law enforcement officers to ensure they select qualified applicants capable of meeting the demands of police officers in the changing future.
One of the best practices used by law enforcement agencies is recruiting widely (Dudley, 2019). It means that the law enforcement agencies welcome applications from people across different genders and demographics, including age. Acknowledging that qualified candidates come in all shapes and sizes, from different backgrounds, races, religions, and other factors, helps bring different perspectives to the force. It attracts candidates who can meet the demands of law enforcement in the changing future.
The law enforcement agencies have also begun using software to reach more applicants locally and internationally (Dudley, 2019). The use of technology in the hiring process helps the agencies sort the qualified applicants from the unqualified ones efficiently. Using technology to find applicants also attracts millennials to apply for the recruitment.
Law enforcement agencies have also warmed up using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as avenues for Public Service Announcements (PSAs), enabling them to reach larger masses and attract them to apply for law enforcement positions (Dudley, 2019). The majority of the youth today interact with at least one social media platform, increasing their chances of finding out about openings in the law enforcement field, which encourages them to apply for the positions.
Another effective practice used by law enforcement agencies in maintaining the standards required for hiring is maintaining high passing scores, physical agility tests, oral and written examinations, and other standards will ensure that the hired personnel is qualified, well informed, and well trained (Dudley, 2019). It means that the hired personnel can meet the demands of their career in the changing future.
Identify the skills that need to be imparted upon recruits to be successful in law enforcement roles. What additional training and/or changes would you recommend?
Law enforcement officers must meet a set of requirements before they are deemed fit and qualify to handle the different tasks assigned. Police officers and other law enforcement officers must pass the physical tests and aptitude tests before being absorbed into the force (Goodwin University, 2019)). Besides, thorough background tests are conducted before admission to the force to ensure that the law enforcement officers have no prior criminal records. Other than these usual qualities and qualifications required in the law enforcement field, the law enforcement officers must employ various soft skills to ensure efficiency in their service delivery.
Due to the nature of their job, law enforcement officers work in a mentally, physically, and emotionally demanding field that requires them to possess various skills. Law enforcement professionals are equipped with proper communication skills. It is crucial for police officers to have proper observational and listening skills and excellent verbal and written communication skills to effectively communicate with others (Meade, 2016)). These skills will enable law enforcement officers to effectively and thoroughly communicate the details of a scene. They also interact with people from different backgrounds daily; hence learning how to communicate is very important in service delivery.
Law enforcement officers encounter numerous violent situations; hence it is essential to acquire conflict resolution skills (Meade, 2016)). It will help them tactfully keep peace and be able to remain calm in aggressive situations. Law enforcement officers are also equipped with problem-solving skills because their job mainly entails resolving people's problems daily. The public trusts law enforcement professionals to solve their problems such as crime, drug abuse, homicides, etc. Also, law enforcement recruits are imparted with interpersonal skills, which are vital for communication and working with groups and people in the personal and professional lives of the recruits.
My recommendations for additional training and changes on law enforcement officers include meditation skills and stress management skills. Law enforcement professionals encounter very stressful situations, and their work is highly demanding. The result of these situations can result in heightened cynicism and excessive aggression towards clients and the public. Therefore, necessary training and information on effectively managing emotional and psychological reactions, especially in highly stressful incidences, will ensure effective service delivery and safety for all.
Identify how police academies prepare police recruits for the various duties and assignments they will be responsible for in turbulent and changing conditions.
The turbulent and changing conditions of modern policing require police academies to expand and improve how law enforcement officers are trained to do their work. Police academies are now focusing not only on the provisions of the law but also on perishable skills, which include arrest and control, defensive mechanisms, driving, and firearms (SAGE, n.d). Current manuscripts discuss the importance of incorporating relevant psychological skills in meeting law enforcement's contemporary and future challenges.
Police academies now emphasize the effectiveness of equipping police recruits with a unique combination of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills to promote relationships between police officers and society members (Blumberg et al., 2019). While most police training focuses on delivering non-violent service duties such as traffic control, it is also essential to prepare the recruits for worst-case scenarios through training them on firearm skills and defensive tactics should they find themselves in critical situations. The key areas of recruits' training revolve around adequate operations, firearms, self-defense, force, personal development, legal education, and mental health. Personal development involves maintaining health and fitness, upholding integrity and ethics, improving communication skills, professionalism in service delivery, and handling stress.
Police academy training ...
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