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Sentencing Proposal: The Case of State v. Stu Dents

Essay Instructions:

The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firm’s client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.

Read the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.

"In the case of State v. Stu Dents, the jury finds the defendant guilty of the following:

• Homicide

• Assault of a police officer

• Kidnapping

• Crimes related to drugs

For the charge of burglary, the defendant is not guilty due to lack of evidence that the victim’s possessions were taken without her permission."

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:

Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments.

Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?

Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.

Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposal for sentencing
Student’s Name
Submission Date
In the case of State v. Stu Dents, the defendant was found to be guilty of assault on a police officer, homicide, kidnapping and, drugs-related crime by the jury. The judge also found no enough evidence for him to be charged with burglary. The case is now at the sentencing stage and we would like to hear the thoughts of the defending and prosecuting attorneys before the court would make the final verdict on the sentence of Mr. Stu Dents. This paper presents a sentencing proposal in regards to the counts of the different in the case of State v. Stu Dents. It is recommended that the proposals should only satisfy the beliefs of the society’s justice system. The proposals will also show the credibility of the prosecution office as stipulated by the justice system.
While proposing Mr. Dent’s sentence, we will not only consider the crime committed but also the state of mind the accused was in at the time of committing the crime and the number of times he has committed those crimes. Mr. Dent’s sentence proposals will ensure that he receives punishment and justice for him and the victim for the crimes he committed against the latter. By recommending the sentences, the defense and prosecution will be acting in accordance with the responsibilities bestowed on them by the justice system in their respective roles.
The sentence had presented on the federal and state. Both the defense and prosecution attorneys had their time in the case. The prosecution team proposes that Mr. Stu dents, the defendant is granted maximum sentencing for a homicide charge. In the closing arguments, the defense and prosecution attorneys had a chance to deliberate with the courts. With that, they could deliberate why the defendant could be innocent or guilty of the crimes. The judges will then listen and consider both sides of the defense and prosecution arguments and consider all the presented evidence to the court during the process of the judicial process.
The happenings that led to the assault of the police officer happened when T. Chur was hit by Mr. Dent on the face and yelled “Alien.” Kidnapping charges were as a result of the defendant’s action of using a rope on the victim and staffed a cloth on the mouth of the victim hence preventing him from breathing. After arrest, the defendant hit a police officer named T. Chur and he sustained bruises on the face and a broken nose. We propose to the court to grant maximum for assaulting the police officer. The officer could have been critically injured and that could have caused disability on him, and that would mean less income and reduced support to his family. It is the hope of the prosecution that the judge considers these recommendations during sentencing. For the assault charge of the police officer, we make a request that Mr. Dents be put on probation, on the batterer’s program with community service. This is because, at the time of the assault, Mr. Dents was not aware that he was being arrested and instead thought that the police officers were there to harm him. In case, he was aware of the imminent arrest, he would not have resisted arrest or physically assaulted the officer, but would have been arrested without hesitation or resistance. Alternatively, the penalty of assaulting a law enforcement officer is 10 years in the penitentiary with a maximum ...
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