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Law Enforcement: Sections of the Constitution Limiting Police Powers

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I need a 6 page paper on law enforcement and 3 to 5 sources and apa format due in 3 days.

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Law Enforcement
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Law Enforcement
The criminal justice system in America consists of three main elements namely law enforcement, criminal judicial system, and corrections. This paper deliberates on law enforcement, which operates via governmental police agencies.
Sections of the constitution limiting police powers
Law enforcement agencies have three primary obligations, which are investigation of criminal activity, referring the findings of the investigations to the courts and holding or detaining suspected criminal suspects. They are also tasked with maintaining peace and order hence ensuring that everybody is safe. Given all this authority, their powers are also restricted by the constitution. They are supposed to fulfill their duties under the law as nobody is above the law. There are sections of the law that limit police powers, for example, the third amendment that denies them the authority to search a person’s house without a warrant or the owner’s consent. James Madison introduced the third amendment to Congress in 1789. It was as a response to anti-federalists who opposed the new constitution (Parpworth, 2014). This bill now protects people from cruel home invasions by the police and has ensured that every citizen’s right to privacy has been respected. The law plays an essential part in making sure that the right to privacy has been awarded to citizens in that they can enjoy the privacy of their homes.
Another example a section of the United States Constitution that limits the powers of law enforcement is section 1983. It is a civil rights law that victims of police misconduct rely on. It was part of the civil rights act, which was passed on 1871. It was meant to curb those participating in criminal injustices against other people for instance the Ku Klux Klan who operated as a vigilante group (Parpworth, 2014). It explicitly forbids police officers from denying anybody their constitutional rights. This provides a form of equality in that it shows that nobody is special. The Ku Klux Klan persecuted black people because of their colour. With the introduction of this law, they could no longer participate in the criminal activities and failure to adhere to the law is punishable by law. The law now states that every individual is entitled to his/her rights. If a law enforcement officer was to deny an individual their rights then it can lead to prosecution. Many people in the country have filed complaints and actually gone to court because of police injustices. Were it not for this law complainants could not have their justice. The bill is also important for citizens in that it ensures that nobody should be discriminated because of the color of the skin, ethnicity or religious beliefs.
Law enforcement upholds the constitution in a couple of ways for instance making sure that anyone who wants to join any police agencies has gone through training and given primary education entailing police work. This is crucial because recruits need to be taught the working ethics of the industry and how to perform their duties without breaking the law. Even when on the job the law enforcement officers are provided with the opportunity of enhancing their skills. They are also subjected to take an oath, which binds them to their duties and motivates them not to break the law. The oath also acts as form of solidarity in that it unites them. The oath is imperative because after graduating from Police College they feel as if they are one big family under the same oath. An oath has been of significance ever since time in memorial since it helps unite people giving them a feeling since they are for the same course. While taking the oath they swear to uphold the constitution of the United States hence doing otherwise would be punishable. While taking the oath to protect and defend the constitution, they bind themselves together as a unit.
Reasons for crime
There are various reasons as to why people commit criminal activities but at the top of the list is greed. People just cannot get enough money the more they get the more they want. Greed has driven people to commit dangerous crimes including murder and bank robberies. Another primary reason as to why people commit criminal activities is poverty and hunger. Some Americans live in poverty and some even below the average poverty line. Due to poverty, they cannot afford to attend school and hence drop out of school at a young age. As they lack education, they cannot get any form of employment and become idle. As the saying goes an idle mind is the devils workshop, they start engaging in petty crime to fend for themselves. Before they even realize they have graduated into mature hardcore crime. Another reason that has been associated with criminal activity is the ‘adrenaline rush’ as it is commonly referred. Many criminals both in the United States and abroad have confessed that they committed crimes just for the adrenaline rush (Banaszkiewicz & LipiÅ„ska, 2011). Some claim that it is like an addiction that they have to feed for instance bank robbers. A recently concluded research suggests that some people are not driven by poverty for them to comm...
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