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Essay Instructions:
Employment Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Vicarious. Liability --- Develop a hypothetical scenario, where you might, as a facilities manager, face one of the above issues. Email this scenario including solutions to me.
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(18th April, 2012)
Employment Discrimination at the Workplace
Despite the fact that the Federal Government has made lots of attempts to eliminate employment discrimination at the workplace, legislations only cannot provide a solution to the problem. Together with the set laws, on-site policies should be developed and subsequently enforced. This provides employees with the knowledge and instruments required foe nondiscriminatory and healthy environment. These discriminations at the workplace include discrimination against women, physically disabled people, ethnic minorities, together with other individuals prone to it. Actually, it is very true that up to today, cases of discrimination at the workplace still exist. Imbalances are present within high positions. In addition, the salary paid for performing similar tasks alongside other significant voids which exist based on discrimination. For example, in most cases, the salaries of women are generally less than that of men. This is a perfect illustration that indeed, workplace discrimination is still rife in many parts of the world. There exists various ways I which discrimination illustrate its effects on the job. This may begin as early as during the process of hiring where an individual is hired over the other with no justification of experience or abilities. This may also extend to sexual harassment in which a given individual is not taken seriously like the other. The person is observed as only an object for sex. This can additionally affect the benefits of employment got when employed for a given position. This includes the vacation time allowed and the level of training received.
However, for us as managers to stop discrimination in our organizations, action must be taken to ensure we fight it appropriately. Hence, the following steps can be followed to fight discrimination at the workplace.
Firstly, all events at the workplace should be documented. This normally applies to the victims of discrimination. They should start by recording down the time, description and date of the event immediately it occurs. After this, individuals should then report the matter to the company or to the law. This gives the individual the written record of all things that conspired. The information should be made as detailed as possible and should include when it occurred, the information surrounding the event, the said words and any available witnesses. In addition, companies should develop a well elaborated non-discrimination policy which not only articulates the rules but also gives explanations as to why these rules are significant. In addition, the subsequent effects should the set rules be flouted should be well elaborated to all the stakeholders. As managers, we should ensure that the management supports and is very willing to implement the policy. Additionally, we should ensure that management actively pursues the implementation of the set pol...
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