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Juvenile Probation and Matching Inmates with Correctional Facilities

Essay Instructions:

Probation and Punishment

In preparation for this assignment, please view the Jurisville scenarios and resulting simulations from Weeks 8 through 10 in the Corrections unit.
In the scenarios and resulting simulations, Robert Donovan, a Jurisville probation officer, discusses the intricacies of probation. Kris, the defendant, is offered an intensive supervised probation plan to follow. Brennan Brooke, a senior criminologist, discusses the tailoring of the inmate to the appropriate facility. Finally, Orlando Boyce, a sergeant at the fictional Deephall correctional facility, discusses measures that could conceivably make prison life effective and thus decrease the likelihood of recidivism.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Outline your findings from your review of the file of Kris, for whom Robert is considering probation. State whether or not your results from the file review match Robert's. Explain two (2) instances in which your views and those of Robert are both similar and different.
Develop a profile of the so-called perfect candidate to participate in an intensive supervised probation program. The profile should contain at least three (3) attributes that you believe make this defendant the perfect candidate for this type of probation.
Defend or critique the strategy of matching the inmate to the correctional facility as a response to the legal concept of cruel and unusual punishment. Provide a rationale for your position with concrete examples.
Defend or critique whether programs and amenities geared to making prison life effective—which run the gamut from hiring extra officers, to counseling and therapy, to building a garden—are time and taxpayer money well spent.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Outline the major characteristics and purposes of prisons, including prisoners' rights and prison society.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in criminal justice.
Write clearly and concisely about criminal justice using proper writing mechanics and APA style conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Probation and Punishment
According to Matthews (2000), Probation is defined as the process of releasing a person who has been found to be an offender by the court of Law being released from jail or prison under the stipulation or agreement that they will behave for a given period of time and are placed under supervision. The other for dealing with the offenders is through punishment where the offender would be required to serve a stipulated time frame in a prison or jail and to some extreme cases; there are some instances when the offender would be sentenced to life imprisonment and/ or to death.
This paper explores a review for a case of probation, create a profile for the right candidate to participate in a comprehensive supervised probation program and also insightfully analyze the strategy of prisoner to facility matching.
Robert Donovan, Jurisville probation
Robert Donovan has used Kris as representation of a candidate for probation called Kris Young. Kris first came to the city and went to a City Wear, the most famous clothing store in Jursville and attempted to forcefully leave with a leather jacket worth $600 without paying for it. The manager of that store stopped and called in the police for him. Being unable to bail himself out, he had to remain in the police custody for 60 days, during that duration he pleaded of being guilty of the offense he was charged for. He was reprimanded to remain in the prison for one year; however, the offense was later suspended and currently is under probation. It is also good to remember that when Kris was 13 years old, he was put under probation in the case that involved battery. When Kris served his Juvenile probation, he was also arrested for criminal trespass and as a result he was further added extra probation time. The current offense that Kris is now being sentenced for is the first during his adulthood. Currently, Kris is married and is now trying to put amend his life and turn a new life Duff (2003).
When I got a chance and reviewed Kris’ file when he served his probation, I would concur with Robert’s decisions and thoughts. I agree with Robert on the ground that Kris is need of probation program for the purpose of ensuring that he reforms and keeping up with the rules of the program. I would also agree with the argument that because Kris is now a married man, and is determined to live a good life, there are high chances that he mig...
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