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Investigation and Analysis of Private Security

Essay Instructions:

Part A

Imagine that you have been given the job of protecting a series of private warehouses. You recommend the owners take a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) approach. Define CPTED and lay out the particulars of what you will recommend to the owners.

Part B

The owners of the warehouses have expressed an interest in employing canines to guard their warehouses. Please prepare a report that lays out the advantages and disadvantages of using canines for security purposes.

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Investigation and Analysis of Private Security
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Part A
The acronym CPTED stands for “crime prevention through environmental design,” it refers to a set of principles that can be implemented to increase safety in privately owned establishments significantly. The Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) technique is beneficial for securing a wide variety of privately owned companies because it employs various strategies to discourage criminal conduct. This makes it an effective method for providing security for privately held businesses. To make warehouses safer and reduce the risk of illegal activity, CPTED can improve natural monitoring, strengthen territorial borders, reinforce territorial boundaries, strengthen territorial borders, limit access, harden targets, maintain the property, engage the community, and train personnel (Imperiale & Vanclay, 2021). Other CPTED strategies include hardening targets, limiting access, and reinforcing territorial borders.
Based on the sensitivity and security issues backed by my research, some useful recommendations can be used to work. Making it difficult or impossible to enter a specific location or region is referred to as restricting access. Putting measures or procedures in place is included. The movement of individuals can be monitored and managed in part by installing gates at access points such as entrances and exits by complying with security checks in protecting the series of private warehouses. It is possible to make it more difficult for persons not supposed to be in restricted areas by erecting fences and gates at the entrances to certain areas (Allen & Hampton, 2020). It is recommended that funds be allocated toward purchasing high-quality security cameras, which should be meticulously positioned inside and outside the warehouses at necessary entry and exit points.
Another recommendation can be the furniture arrangement to make it simpler for you to view. Eliminate any hiding spots that thieves might use to escape detection. Put workers in desks that are carefully positioned around the area or give the duty of maintaining constant surveillance to security personnel (Mihinjac & Saville, 2019). Protecting one’s territory is an essential component of territoriality, and it is frequently regarded as a necessary response to dangers or incursions from the outside world. This kind of protective response is typical in a wide variety of species, including humans, and it contributes to keeping them safe and healthy.
The limits of the property can be restricted by strategically positioning signs and other landscape elements inside the garden. Installing checkpoints and many such roadblocks to restrict the movement of vehicles (Mihinjac & Saville, 2019). It is essential to perform routine maintenance on the property to keep it in good condition.
Part B
Canines are considered the best option for ensuring the safety and entanglement of personal warehouse secrecy (Allen & Hampton, 2020). For ensuring safety and security concerns, guard dogs backed with security guards can work well in this regard.
Many factors must be considered before deciding to keep dogs to defend private warehouses, including the warehouse size, available budget, relevant legal difficulties, and commitment to the dogs’ training and care. Guard dogs can make a structure safer and less susceptible to burglary if utilized correctly and respectfully (Ceccato, 2022). When canines are present, the likelihood of a home being broken into by a criminal is reduced. Because canines’ senses of smell and hearing are superior to those of hum...
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