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Intermediate Sanctions Available for Judges. Case Study on p.219 A & B

Essay Instructions:

(CLC1162)825 Words [Use Case Study on Page 219 A & B] There are several intermediate sanctions available for judges to use instead of sentencing an offender to jail or prison. 1Discuss the types of Intermediate Sanctions available and 2the benefits of each 3also discuss who would be most considered for these sanctions and why? Apply your discussion and determination to Case A and Case B.


• These assignments must be typed, double-spaced, written in a 12-point font. Cover page, Reference page, 1 inch margin,

• You must be sure to properly cite sources that you used. (intext citation)

• You must provide a reference page for sources used.

• At least One academic source must be use: Book, Journal Article

• Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If plagiarism is indicated on your writing assignment you will receive an automatic 0 on that writing assignment. Further sanctions can also be taken by the college. Please see your Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further information on Academic Dishonesty.


John is a 29-year-old man who has been twice convicted of fraud by forging checks. His first conviction resulted in a sentence of five years on probation with an order to make restitution in the amount of $2.720. John made $230 each before absconding supervision. He turned up again after six months and was reinstated on probation by the court after he promised to faithfully fulfill the terms of his supervision and to complete his restitution obligation. During his supervised release, he was in violation of probation conditions regularly and never completed his restitution payments. The current case involves John passing a forged check at a local grocery store in the amount of $624. Due to his previous failure and noncompletion of probation, the court is concerned that he is not capable of following court ordered probation condition, yet it does not want to commit him to state prison or to a jail term because his offense is nonviolent. John has a wife and small children and is their only source of support. He has a high school diplomat he is not mental ill or disability, and he is currently employed as a house painter.


Ricardo is a 23 years old identified gang member of the Mexican mafia, a Latino gang roots in California. He has a history of criminal offense including shoplifting one motor vehicle theft and tree DUI. Ricardo is not assaultive, but the group in which he is a member has been known to participate in assault violent acts. His file does not indicate his rank in the gang. But it shows he has been a confirmed member for at least six years. His current offense is larceny involving theft from his former employer a local carpet laying company. The PSI concludes that Ricardo needs more structure than can be gained from probation or intensive supervision, but it does not recommend a prison sentence due to his current nonviolent offense. The PSI reports that Ricardo needs to learn discipline good work habits, and respect for the rights of others and is concerned about his attitude authority.

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Intermediate Sanctions Available for Judges
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Intermediate Sanctions Available for Judges
Throughout the history of civilization, there have been punishments for those individuals who have engaged in what their society considers as unacceptable or criminal behavior. These criminal behaviors vary in gravity depending on the damage, loss, and the deviation of morals that the behavior has caused. In the modern world where the governmental law is well established, there are criminal courts that deal with these cases and determine the punishment that each offender should face which should be in line with the offense committed. According to Gowdy, (1993), he administering of justice to the offended party and punishment to the offender should be not be done in isolation of the factors that the society is going through. The law offenders are subjected to a very comprehensive process of proving them guilty or innocent with the suspect having a fair chance of proving their innocence. Despite going to prison or jail, there are other punishments that the guilty offenders can be subjected to.
Intermediate sanctions are alternative punishments that are imposed on an offender who has been found guilty of minor crime instead of them serving in jail or prison. In many countries and states in the United States, the minor crimes that are categorized in the sections that can be considered for these intermediate sanctions include the crimes that are non-violent (Gowdy, 1993). There are several types of immediate sanctions that are available to a judge to use on offenders that have committed different minor offenses.
* House arrest: In case of a house arrest of the offender there is total or partial confinement in their house. In total confinement house arrest, the offender cannot leave their legal residential compounds under any circumstances unless moving from or to court. In most of the total confinement, the offenders have their phones tapped into such that the authorities have unlimited access to the phone conversations that the offender is making. In partial house arrest, one is allowed to move to specific locations that are allowed like a school or workplace. All this is done to ensure that the offender is not committing crimes. Prevents the offender to be away from the courtroom and be with the family and at the same time have no influence on the investigations. It also serves as a wake-up call for the offender to leave their lawbreaking offenses.
* Community services: This is a form of punishment that makes the offender participate in activities that are aimed at improving the community around you. These activities include cleaning the streets, working at a public kitchen, working in animal shelters (Siegel, & Senna, 2009)...
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