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The way law interacts with law enforcment

Essay Instructions:
PLEASE ASSIGN an AMERICAN,and ENGLISH SPEAKING WRITER Directions: The final project is the culmination of all of the techniques and styles that you have learned in this class and elsewhere. Your paper can be about any subject as long as it is has to do with the way that law interacts with law enforcement. For example, on the popular show, Law & Order and all of its spinoff shows, the author outlines the way that attorneys and other court personnel work with law enforcement such as police officers, border patrol agents, drug enforcement agents, probation officers, forensic technicians, etc. and how they interact within the law. First of all, find research that discusses not only the different positions in the court, as well as the different positions in law enforcement, but also what happens to a perpetrator from the time he or she gets caught, and how the person makes his/her way through "the system" of law & order. In addition, the following elements must be in the Final Writing Project: - Must be 8 - 10 full pages - 6th Edition APA Style throughout including the Cover Page and Reference Page - At least (12) in-text Citations with additional information throughout - Full Reference Page with a minimum of (10) resources - Double-spaced throughout - Bold and Centered Sub-headings to separate different topics, categories, or subcategories - ARIAL 12 pt. font - Papers must be written in 3rd Person - Page minimum and Resource minimum is non-negotiable-if the project does not meet this particular criteria-the paper will not be graded -Paragraphs no more that 5 sentences long.
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Law enforcement agents are officers or any public sector employee whose main duty comprise of ensuring there is law and order for a peaceful correlation. These people are vested by the legislature in the legal code enhance peace in the community. Security guards may not be termed as law enforcement officers since they do not have the power accredited to them to enforce specific laws. Law enforcement officers in U.S include police officers, constables and their deputies, prison officers, probation officers, sheriffs, game wardens, forest rangers, fire marshals, federal Bureau of investigation agents, drug enforcement agents, united secret service agents, Federal air Marshals, border patrol agents, District attorney and the prosecuting Attorney investigators, U.S coast guards, among others as stipulated by the constitution.
Law enforcement agents do not make decisions for anyone`s charges. The purpose of the law enforcers is to make recommendations. The prosecutor is the only individual who makes charges against a criminal or a person suspected for breaking the law. In this essay, the legal procedures that are involved from the time of arrest to the time when a person is prosecuted will be addressed. This will entail the correct procedures that must be followed including what a person needs to do or avoid when dealing with the cops.
The cops can detain someone if they really have levelheaded notion that one committed the crime. It implies that for those who are not arrested are not allowed to leave, which is supposed to last for a very short time period. During detention the cops are not allowed to search the detainee`s pocket unless they feel any presence of a weapon. Most detentions may lead to an arrest if the cops get information that one was involved in a crime even if the crime has nothing to do with the detention. Cops may detain someone if they want to arrest him or her but lack enough information yet to do it.
Realistic doubts and plausible grounds
Realistic doubts must be founded on more than a hunch. The cops must be in a position to put their doubts into words. For instance, cops can not just stop anyone and deduce that he or she looked like he/she was up to something fishy. The doubts must be specific such as the "suspect was the only person at the scene of murder holding a blood clotted knife beside the murdered victim hence suspicion of his or her hand in the murder." The cops usually require more evidence to allege that they have realistic suspicion (Wrobleski & Hess, 2005).
The cops can arrest one if they have a possible cause that one is involved in a crime. During the arrest, the cops can search the suspect`s belongings like going through one`s car, house or residence. The law provides that the officer searching a suspect to the skin must be of the same gender as the suspect. The law enforcement agent intending to arrest a suspect must present a warranty of arrest to the person. If they have a search warrant, no resistance whatsoever for search must not be put applied because they have the power to force themselves in at all cost (Elias, 2009).
The cops are only permitted to get into the room the suspect goes into; hence they should not be given any opportunity to be alone in any room while searching. The suspect must not get back into the house for any reason during the arrest as the cops can use that opportunity to plant or frame anything into the premise and make allegations for it. The police should then avail an appropriate transport depending on the size of the arrest of which the perpetrator is expected to cooperate. It is normally advised that the perpetrator must not give out any information unless under the presence of his or her attorney, because the cops can use any given information to make charges against a suspect. A perpetrator has a right to remain silent and seek the services of the attorney and no law enforcer must force information from the suspect (American Civil Liberties Union, 2011).
At most times it is recommended that one should take note of what is said and who said it. The suspect is expected to know the names of the cops arresting him or her, their badge numbers and descriptions of any witnesses present at the time of the arrest. Everything that happens must be recorded even if it means using a tape recorder of which one must be careful not to get noticed. Observing the cops actions and documenting every action may prevent them from abusing the suspect or his/her friends. Sometimes the police might be aggressive especially when they intend to do anything illegal (Hess & Orthmann, 2008).
The cops take fingerprints and photos, extracts information about the identity and medical issues of the perpetrator; however the suspect is not obliged to sign anything. No any other information is supposed to be given other than the name, date of birth and the address. It`s normally legally safe to remain silent until one sees an attorney and the enforcers have the obligation of respecting a suspects` rights which protects them from interrogation. There is no way one can predict the kind of information the cops might try to apply or how they are going to use against perpetrators in the court of law. The police can lie about one not being a suspect but only helping them to know the truth.
Anything said by the suspect can be used by authorities against the suspect and his or her friends in the court of law. One of the main tasks of the cops is to extract information from the people. They are trained to be manipulative, lie or sometimes use any form of scruples to get information. Any person must exercise care when dealing with the police at all times hence the strong appeal to all not give any information unless accompanied by an attorney. This requires one to know his or her rights when being arrested and interrogated (Bergman & Berman, 2011).
The cops can book one in a holding cell before booking, after booking or in the middle of booking. The suspect or the perpetrator is expected to cooperate or not to cooperate depending on the manner in which the law enforcers are respecting the suspect`s rights. Sometimes the cops are devious and they might try to coerce one into giving them information. This is normally common when they do not have enough evidence to hold a perpetrator. They might lie about the perpetrators` friends cooperating and leaving one a lone (Bennell & Snook, 2011).
Some may threaten about having enough evidence to convict one in the court of law and hence accepting the responsibilities might impress the judge into giving a fair ruling. In case any suspect talks; the rest of the group usually goes down without much resistance. The golden rule is usually never to trust any cop as most of them may make one believe into what they tell. Nevertheless, a lawyer must be present before any question is answered. This is the one of the non-negotiable right a suspect has which can protects him or her from unfair justice commonly known as the sixth amendment (Hess, Orthmann & Cho, 2010).
A suspect can be granted bail after the initial arrest which contains the specific amount of cash that permi...
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