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Law Essay: Human Trafficking and Crimes Against Children

Essay Instructions:

Modern-day slavery exists in the crime of human trafficking. It is described as the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Law enforcement officers face many challenges when investigating human trafficking cases.

*Identify and discuss the process, means, and ends of human trafficking.

*Identify and discuss the three law enforcement models that have emerged to combat child sexual exploitation: special task forces, strike forces, and law enforcement. Which approach do you believe is most effective in combating child sexual exploitation?

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Human Trafficking and Crimes Against Children
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Human Trafficking and Crimes Against Children
Identify and Discuss the Process, Means, And Ends of Human Trafficking.
The process means, and ends of human trafficking follow four main steps, namely, luring, grooming, coercion/manipulation, and exploitation. Luring is when the traffickers assess a person to see if they are the right fit. They do this by testing their sexual looseness and other boundaries. In grooming, traffickers shower their subjects with love and promise them that they will have a family. They also introduce them to drugs and acts of physical intimacy. Through coercion, human traffickers begin to toy with the victim’s emotions. They make them feel useless and unwanted. Finally, through exploitation, the traffickers make the victims feel that they do not have any other option and that they owe the traffickers money.
Identify and Discuss the Three Law Enforcement Models That Have Emerged to Combat Child Sexual ...
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