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Grant-Funding Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Imagine that you are part of a local group developing a grant-funding proposal for a crime prevention program targeting businesses in your community. After a rash of recent burglaries, thefts, and fraud schemes directed at businesses in the area, a local benefactor has offered $300,000 for a one-year crime prevention program. In your research, your group has determined that the $300,000 is helpful but will not cover the necessary funding. Your group will be submitting a proposal to obtain the funding.
Describe common grant types and identify possible sources for your proposal.
Identify funding agencies that could possibly fund the grant.
Provide teamwork strategies you might implement when developing the proposal.
Create a logic model for a fictitious, grant-funded project. Search the internet for sample logic models to use as an example.
Include the resources needed for project implementation in your logic model in a 700- to 1,050-word paper. You should submit your logic model in addition to the paper.
Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

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Week 1 – Logic Model
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Week 1 – Logic Model
Several types of grants can assist a local group wishing to develop a grant-funding proposal for a crime prevention program targeting businesses in the community. These grants have different funding structures and include competitive, formula, continuation, and pass-through grants. Competitive funding, also referred to as discretionary funding, is where a proposal is selected for support after evaluation by a panel of reviewers. Funding is usually founded on the proposal's merits, and the recipients are not pre-determined until after the review. An example of competitive funding is the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, where the U.S. Department of Justice calls upon states, units of local government, and tribal organizations to contend for grant funding to enhance mental illness health services for offenders (Civis, 2020). Conversely, the formula funding grant type is given to pre-determined recipients. Grants are awarded on a non-competitive basis, and eligibility is determined using census criteria. Those applications that meet the minimum population requirements are entitled to receive funding. In most instances, the funds are dispersed from the federal level to states, who then determine how to give the funds to local jurisdictions. An example of formula funding is the Byrne Memorial fund. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) disperses formula grants to states to improve their criminal justice systems, focusing on violent crime and serious offenders.
The continuation funding grant is another type of funding where recipients are encouraged to renew their grants for the following year. Some continuation funds are limited to current grantees only, although others may solicit applications from existing grantees and new applicants. However, current grantees are often awarded extra points when their applications are being reviewed, so priority is always given to continuing applicants. New applicants are required to consider getting into a partnership with an existing funded entity. An example of continuation funding is the Drug-Free Communities Support Program, where the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awards grants to both continuing and new applicants to buttress local anti-drug partnerships and alleviate substance abuse among youths (Civis, 2020). Pass-through funding is the fourth type of grant where the federal government gives funds to states for further disbursement to local governments. States may decide to use either open competitions or formula allocations when disbursing federal funds to local governments. An example of pass-through funding is the Federal Safe Routes to School Program, where funds are first given by the Federal Highway Administration and then disbursed to state Departments of Transportation, who then distribute it to various state-level programs, that then give them to local applicants.
Understanding the grant conditions for each of the four types of grant funding is critical to know where to focus one's efforts during the application process. All four grant types are possible funding sources for my proposal, although the formula fund...
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