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Global Perspective Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1,900-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following:

Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).

Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.

Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.

Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.).

Include at least seven peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines 6th Edition.

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Global Perspective assessment
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The criminal justice system in America is quite elaborate, vast and expansive. It is not just the courts that constitute the criminal justice system contrary to popular notion. Rather, it is an all inclusive system which encompasses the courts, the correctional facilities, law enforcers and all those other debarments involved in maintenance of the law. Recently, there have been significant changes in the world with the adoption of globalization. While countries such as America continue to exist independently, they cannot wholly afford to ignore the impacts of globalization. The globalization aspect has had an effect on the operations of the justice system in America. Ideally, the criminal justice system is supposed to restrict itself to the happenings that are of criminal in nature within its territories (Merriam, 2013). However, with globalization the criminal justice system has had to cast its net wider to ensure that it accommodates even more emerging crimes. Globalization has meant that countries have to be more inclusive and as such encompass crimes that come as a result of globalization. This discussion will look at global perspective that globalization has had on the criminal justice system in America.
Although there are no crimes that are specific to a certain region, there is, ordinarily, the nature of crimes that each territory is used to dealing with. For example, until recently, America did not experience many terror crimes (Merriam, 2013). On the other hand, in the Middle East, this has always been a menace in the region. Currently, terrorism has been classified as a global threat with each country regardless of the location facing imminent danger. With globalization, the nature of crimes committed has greatly evolved. The collusion of transnational cartels in crimes has made it more difficult and brought about the need for governments to collaborate to combat crime. In America, it is estimated that since the onset of globalization, the rate of crime has skyrocketed significantly (Interpol, 2013). As a result of globalization, some of the crimes have become too complicated for a single criminal justice system to handle solely. As a result, American criminal justice system has had to realign itself and collaborate with other international stakeholders to combat crime.
While the realignment of the American criminal justice is very necessary as countries take concerted effort to contain crime, this has not come without its fair share of challenges. With a keen study on the emerging trends of crime, one notices that the dimensions of crime have changed significantly (Interpol, 2013). They are very complex in nature and highly dynamic. This makes prediction very difficult and hence preparation in advance becomes a daunting task for the criminal justice system. There is the aspect of use of technology to execute crime which has often caught the criminal justice unawares.
America is one of the greatest powers of the world. The phrase ‘great power’ is all encompassing touching on technology, economic strength and living standards. Many countries of the world have often looked up to America for guidance and support (Kerr, 2013). Due to its economic might and prowess in matters development, America has on a couple of occasions seemed keen in remaining a lone ranger. This has been seen on several issues where the country has appeared adamant to cooperate with other countries. However, with the new challenges of crime coming as a result of globalization, America has had to soften its stance and become more accommodative to other countries. The dependency theory argues that the globe is divided into two main spheres. These are the countries in the periphery and those at the core. The core countries are those that are rich in terms of resources, economic prowess and development. The peripheral countries are the third world countries that are still struggling with weak economies and a considerable number lives in abject poverty. The theory argues that the rich countries create an unequal platform that prevents the third world countries from growing. This is in order to maintain the status quo so that the peripheral countries can continually depend on the countries at the core. Going by this argument, America, until recently, did not seem keen to establish ties with some of the countries of the world. These are the countries that seemingly did not have anything to put on the table. However, this stance has since changed as America realizes that it cannot handle all crimes emanating from globalization single-handedly (APRN, 2013). Due to the compounded nature of globalization, it is necessary that different countries come together to strengthen their criminal justice systems.
One of the impacts of globalization in the American justice system is that there have been numerous challenges hence the need to recognize international ties and cooperation. For the American government to resort into the move of international cooperation, this has meant that a total overhaul in the entire criminal justice system was imminent and inevitable. This has a resulted in changes in policies and the law in order to accommodate the changes. This has also created a need to retrain all the staff in the system in order to widen their scope of understanding.
The concept of globalization is one of the best things to happen to the world (DHS, 2013). The high connection and interlink that exists between countries is very powerful in getting things going. It is ideally meant to help create a level platform where countries that are too down are pulled up by those doing well. However, the conceptualization of globalization perhaps overlooked the hur...
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