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General and Specific Deterrence

Essay Instructions:

Crime in America has become a normal part of everyday life. There have been ongoing discussions on crime control and possible policies that could slow down crime in America. However, when it comes to slowing down the willingness to commit crime, there are two theories that have had a significant impact on the reduction of crime. The two theories are Specific Deterrence and General Deterrence. Specific deterrence focuses on the individual, while general deterrence focuses on the general public. While each specific and general deterrence has a different focus, the overall purpose of these theories are preventing crime.

Using the knowledge that you have gained from this week’s reading assignments, Intellipath and MUSE assets, and other information provided, address the following questions in a 2-3 page paper:

Identify and discuss the similarities and differences between general deterrence and specific deterrence.

Using the resources and materials provided this week in class, discuss a criminal case that best explains each theory.

Provide your opinion on whether you believe these theories work at preventing future crimes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deterrence is a general term that refers to the utilization of punishment to prevent criminal elements or individuals from committing crimes. There are two types of deterrence; general and specific. General deterrence is whereby the law is applied to effect punishment on potential offenders. Specific deterrence, on the other hand, is whereby legal means are utilized to effect punishment on an actual offender. General deterrence is the punishment meted upon an individual caught in the act of committing a crime. It works based on an individual's fear of committing a crime, such as being jailed for a long time, and therefore is more anticipatory, preventing a crime before it happens. Specific deterrence focuses on criminals who are arrested. The main similarity between them is that they both work towards preventing crime. The other similarity is that one eventually results in the other.
A criminal case that best explains general deterrence is an increase in the length of jail term for any person found driving while drunk; after the realization that there has been an upsurge in drunk driving within a given country. The essence of an increased jail term is perhaps due to the realization that the citizens no longer fear the initial jail term that had been set. In other words, they are not deterred by the initial sentence for drunk driving. A case in point for specific deterrence was t...
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